Wind-Ups backgrounds & icons website here


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
I just made a website for wind-ups icons and backgrounds, it's a bit crap at the moment, but it's a start.

Let me know what you think and don't forget to send me some images to upload to the site
I have added even more backgrounds and icons thanks to Joe.

If you have any wind-ups backgrounds or icons fell free to email them to me from the site :)
this is th eimage i use on my background
I got it from registering my game on the nintendo website

the picture comes up in the correct colors, but some of the icons colours change,
why is that
I have just solved your problem and loaded the image ont my site.

What you have to do to get your images to display properly is this:

1. Load a working wind-ups image into pain shop pro
2. Colours->Save Pallete->save it
3. Load the image you want as your background
4. Colours->load pallete->load the pallete you just saved
5. Save as a GIF

Feel free to email me any inages that you want on my site
Hey! I made the reversed GP32 one! And the ones with the plain blue color, GP32Emu logo, Gamepark Logo and World Map! And several logos (Atari, Doom Trooper)! COPYRIGHT! ;)
It's good to see those pictures there. By the way, if you want to download some more backgrounds and icons I've made just go over to
I just uploaded a ZIP file with new backgrounds and cool icons, like GPPang for instance.

I agree with Axeman - it's nice to have a centralized place for stuff like this. :D
mine are here

EDIT : Moderated by Axeman - Had to remove the link as it linked to current copyrighted material (i.e. simpsons and futerama episodes), and that could get hando into a lot of trouble - Thanks.

I have a hosting company.

If you'd like some space to put your site up then I'm sure we can provide you with some space for a small mention. :-)

Drop me a line at ben at with some details and i'll get an account set up for you.



PS. I've offered some space to empee already too for his linux port page. I have a fair amount of space so if anyone has some other gp32 sites that need better homes, drop me a line and i'll see what i can do. :D