New Site!

Splinter posted on Aug 13 2004 at 07:09 PM said:
If your gonna criticise me at least make it constructive or if you think you could do so much better then go ahead and show me how its supposed to be done ya stupid newb.
You don't need to be a cow to know that this roast beef tastes shit.
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the site isn't the most beautiful site in the world but it does its job

the only problem I have is the red writing over the blue on the left, it just makes my eyes ache

u really need to learn how to take critiscism
Splinter posted on Aug 13 2004 at 07:34 PM said:
I know i really dont take criticism well do i? Read this for an example of his posting
Are you examining the past of everyone who criticizes you, mister NSA agent? I didn't knew you'd instantly start to whine when i was telling my thoughts about your site. So don't ask for comments if you can't handle them.
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FloridaRolf, drop the NSA attitude bullshit. You're in the right about the site but that doesn't excuse you for virtually every other post you've ever made which humiliates or insults someone in some way.

Splinter, I was about to say:

"nobody else has pointed out that your site consists solely of images. No text at all. That makes it inaccessible to the disabled or text-browsing, slow for people on dial-up who have to download the images, bad for you because the slightest change means remaking the images, and bad for you again because of the added bandwidth costs you may incur, whether you pay for it or get your site shut down."

Then I peeked the source. It's MS Office markup, pure bullshit. It is only viewable on IE and anyone else gets some shitty 256-colour images that make the text almost unreadable. I think the site itself is great, and promising. The Gigas characters for instance are something original for a change. But the page is a GIANT IMAGE to non-IE browsers. Consider using a decent HTML editor; while I don't expect Notepad, FrontPage Express is free and does a similar thing. Or MS DevStudio (hidden away in your IE installation) includes a full-featured CSS and HTML editor. Or even use Publisher, which doesn't generate this kind of horrid page.

<v:f eqn="val #0"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 3 4"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 5 4"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 3 8"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 1 8"/>
<v:f eqn="sum 21600 0 @3"/>
<v:f eqn="sum @4 21600 0"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 1 2"/>
<v:f eqn="prod @5 1 2"/>
<v:f eqn="sum @7 @8 0"/>
<v:f eqn="prod #0 7 8"/>
<v:f eqn="prod @5 1 3"/>
<v:f eqn="sum @1 @2 0"/>
<v:f eqn="sum @12 @0 0"/>
<v:f eqn="prod @13 1 4"/>
<v:f eqn="sum @11 14400 @14"/>
What the fuck does this have to do with the page? Looks like a discarded MS Equation Editor equation.
meh, its real easy to make a site in HTML by knowing diddly squat

i made mine in bout 5 mintues and I dont know a thing about HTML (well, now I do, but i didnt b4)
My site has about 20 reviews so far for free homebrewn games for the GP32, as well as some other crap, and I own my domain name, so it is not a free site, so there are no pop ups, no spyware,
There's a rule called the 8 second rule in website building. It basically means any site that takes more than 8 seconds to display it's first page will lose most of it's potential visitors because it's too boring to wait.

8 second waits are rare on broadband but on a modem 8 seconds probably averages out to a mere 40k. How many people can say their websites homepage is less than 40k? Not many.

Just ask any of the 56k bunch what surfing is like and they'll probably mentiong boring in there somewhere.

So, as Rico says, drop the images.

The saying goes "a picture tells a thousand words" well in website building a picture IS a thousand words. Well the equivalent of anyway.

PS Nice sprites BTW :)
Well if there aren't any images in it he's hit his site limit pretty bloody quickly :P

The website I designed for the lawfirm where I work is 152k total. That includes logos and buttons also designed by me. It's simple fast and efficient. It's not wizzy and flash (no pun intended) but it gets the job done.

If Splinters website was that size he could handle 269 hits per day. I know his sprites up the site size but even there he could just use examples and mail anyone the full sets if they wanted them.
LHC posted on Aug 13 2004 at 11:36 PM said:
If you read what Rico goes on to say, you'll see that it isn't an image at all :P
Hmm, so it loads quick for IE users but slow for everyone else, and looks terrible on non-IE browsers. Yet another Microsoft hackjob. I mean, they employed people to invent an XML representation of Word and have IE render it, solely to avoid using HTML standards or developing a Word viewer inside IE that might (gasp) be ran inside Mozilla as well (ActiveX plugin). That pisses me off to no end.
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I do agree, the site should be compatible on all browsers. I'm not some Microsoft hater or anything. In fact I really dont see why people use the product by dual booting and then complain(your allowed to complain and post points but come on atleast delete the software lol).

Atleast check in Mozilla, Opera, and IE.
And firefox, alot of people on yhis board use firefox.

EDIT: Is anyone else getting file not found when clicking on the links? (rom reviews etc.)
Its broken and looks shit. I mean, really, my first website at least worked. Looks like you made it in Microsoft Word or something.

Using Firefox here.

EDIT: Well I'll be fucked, you did use Word. Protip: Don't use word. Don't use anything made by Microsoft to design a website. Use notepad, or Dreamweaver if you don't want to mess with html.

EDIT 2: Oh, and I realise notepad is made by Microsoft. Well, I do now. Notepad is the exception.

EDIT 3: lol edit 3