I need examples of video games


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I need examples of video games in which the content in them greatly affected their sales (like causing stores not to sell them). I only have BMX XXX so far. BTW, were there any stores (not online or small video game shops) that sold BMX XXX in the US?
Not exactly what I'm looking for. In BMX XXX, the content caused several stores to refuse to sell the game. <---- I'm looking for stuff like this.
mortal kombat, of course. they got the ball rolling with all this stuff, back in the days, with senate hearings and etc., if memory serves

bmx xxx was in stores in the US, i am sure I remember seeing it.. at like target or something.. don't quote me on it though
I remember a Sega CD game that Toys R Us refused to sell because it had chicks in bras and panties being chased after by guys in black.

I guess that's not really content, but I thought I'd throw that out as a suggestion.
bras + panties - that was the aforementioned Night Trap, featuring the late Dana Plato from Different Strokes.

And man, it was an AWFUL game. one of the top LEAST playable games I have ever had the displeasure of messing around with. Oh well, at least the game's theme was kind of interesting (and novel) - full motion video on a console was absolutely unheard of at the time. I remember watching in awe as the tiny bordered video played in gloriously banded 256 color (or less!) and ACTUAL PEOPLE moved around and talked on the screen. You PS generation kids have no idea how spoiled you are! Actually that's not true, with the fancy gimmicks came the shallower gameplay, so I shall shutup about that (for now).

Anyway the game was worth checking out, at the time it had some pretty risky scenes in it that I can't believe they got away with - a bunch of vampires grab a coed and drag her out of a room and start injecting her with these weird mechanical bloodsucking machines while her screams are muffled.. yeah it was no surprise that some people found that disturbing at the time I guess (but it was still 100% tame compared to the violence in movies at the time)

but yeah, the game was no fun. you had to look in different rooms (flipping cameras) and activate traps, which "kind of worked" when enemies where nearby, if the script called for it. it was more frustrating than interesting and I was glad it was only a rental. Interesting video game history though.
Phantasmagoria, a gothic supernatural horror adventure game by Sierra. Certain stores (including I think CompUSA?) refused to sell it because it contained a rape scene. It was about as non-explicit as a rape scene can possibly be (I think they kept their clothes on...), but it still bothered people, especially since it was live action FMV rather than polygons like today's games. It was also extremely violent in other ways; I'm talking torture devices and such. Pretty intense stuff, really, even today, especially since it was live action (the FMV was cutting-edge for its time). The idiots who complain about GTA3 probably don't know this game ever existed, or they would call for it to be banned outright (which it was in Australia, entirely because of the rape scene)--drive by shootings are one thing, out-and-out torture is quite another (although, in Phantasmagoria, it's not the player character doing it).
The usual suspects: Doom and Mortal Kombat

Also, some other notables:
-Postal (Heavily cut in Australia)
-Postal 2 (Banned in Australia, where I live, and in many other countries. Great game though)
-GTA (the original was banned in a few stores initially)
-Carmageddon (Almost banned in the UK, had an alternate "Zombie" version)
-GTA 3 and Vice City (In Australia, the original game was banned and taken off the shelves, although later it was edited so you couldnt have sex with hookers)
oh i almost forgot
2 crappy early-gen games by razorsoft for sega genesis

technocop was promoted cause of its gratuitous violence
and stormlord was censored by sega cause it had nude fairies in it (they went back in and drew clothes on to get it released)
POSTAL 2 (PC Banned in Lots of countries including UK)
GTA ( Playstation 1 Was on the edge of being banned)
THRILL KILL (Playstation 1 only available as a Copy now me thinks)

thrill kill unofficial site says "If this game never sees the light of day, it will be called "The Greatest Fighting Game That "Never" (legally) Came Out." "

I would say Manhunt for PS2 might get banned soon... Suffocating people with Plastic Bags, Sticking bits of Glass in peoples neck, beating them to death with a Baseball bat while they are begging for you to stop :D.. Great game by the way :D hehe...
Wu-Tang (PS1 Game) dont think it was banned but it had a Code that you had to enter to enable Gory stuff....
I cant remember what it was but it was this game for the psx thta was never released but i had a copy,it was from japamn or somnet but it was really digusting.
Hitman, or was it hitman 2?

The original version had a scene with a violent episode in a siekh Temple which caused a lot of uproar especially in the UK. Most shops refused to sell it, and the software company ended up recalling it and rereleasing it with that level taken out.
blipped4 posted on Dec 4 2003 at 06:16 PM said:
I cant remember what it was but it was this game for the psx thta was never released but i had a copy,it was from japamn or somnet but it was really digusting.
THRILL KILL was never released for PS1... Is it a fighting game your talking about? Game set in a Mad House... and theirs 4 ppl at a time in a fight... and theris a person with his Arms Cut off??? I got that game hehe...
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