I need a new nickname...


Still Fresh
Nov 30, 2009
Lelystad, Netherlands
My current nick is from when I was 8 and its impossible to pronounce.

So... got some idea's?

something about me:

I'am a gamer:

[SIZE=8px]Garry's Mod					Madballs in... Babo:Invasion			Champions Online		

World of Warcraft				Braid						Medieval II Total War: Kingdoms		

Team Fortress 2					Age of Empires III: 				The Asian Dynasties	Diablo II - Lord of Destruction		

League of Legends				Rappelz Epic5					Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning		

The Sims 3					Prototype					Synergy		

StarCraft II					Silkroad Online					Left 4 Dead 2 Demo		

Runes of Magic					Magicka						Super Meat Boy		

Black & White 2					Left 4 Dead 2					Lineage II		

Age of Empires III				Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas			Exteel		

Empire Earth					Medieval II Total War				Trine		

Unreal Tournament 3				Rollercoaster Tycoon				Battlefield Heroes		

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom		Unreal Tournament				Trackmania Nations Forever		

Minecraft					Audiosurf					Age of Empires		

Battlefield Vietnam				Empire Earth II					Battlefield 1942		

Combat Arms					Toribash					Battlefield 2142		

Monday Night Combat				Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers	Assassin's Creed		

Sourceforts					Peggle Extreme					Global Agenda		

Portal						Mini Ninjas					Half-Life 2: Episode Two		

Alien Swarm					World of Goo					FarmVille		

The Sims 2 Bon Voyage				Crayon Physics Deluxe				Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer		

Mr. Robot					Half-Life 2					Solitaire		

Darksiders					Everyday Shooter				C&C Generals		

Mirror's Edge					Aquaria						Grand Theft Auto IV		

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited	The Maw						C&C Generals - Zero Hour		

BattleForge					Unreal Tournament 2004				Osmos		

Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag			Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West		Empires		

Half-Life 2: Episode One			Smashball					Half-Life 2: Deathmatch		

Fortress Forever				The West					Zero Gear		

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City			The Path					Unreal

SPORE						Penumbra Overture Ep1				Dystopia	


Source xfire :P
My current nick is from when I was 8 and its impossible to pronounce.

So... got some idea's?

something about me:

I'am a gamer:

[SIZE=8px]Garry's Mod					Madballs in... Babo:Invasion			Champions Online		

World of Warcraft				Braid						Medieval II Total War: Kingdoms		

Team Fortress 2					Age of Empires III: 				The Asian Dynasties	Diablo II - Lord of Destruction		

League of Legends				Rappelz Epic5					Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning		

The Sims 3					Prototype					Synergy		

StarCraft II					Silkroad Online					Left 4 Dead 2 Demo		

Runes of Magic					Magicka						Super Meat Boy		

Black & White 2					Left 4 Dead 2					Lineage II		

Age of Empires III				Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas			Exteel		

Empire Earth					Medieval II Total War				Trine		

Unreal Tournament 3				Rollercoaster Tycoon				Battlefield Heroes		

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom		Unreal Tournament				Trackmania Nations Forever		

Minecraft					Audiosurf					Age of Empires		

Battlefield Vietnam				Empire Earth II					Battlefield 1942		

Combat Arms					Toribash					Battlefield 2142		

Monday Night Combat				Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers	Assassin's Creed		

Sourceforts					Peggle Extreme					Global Agenda		

Portal						Mini Ninjas					Half-Life 2: Episode Two		

Alien Swarm					World of Goo					FarmVille		

The Sims 2 Bon Voyage				Crayon Physics Deluxe				Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer		

Mr. Robot					Half-Life 2					Solitaire		

Darksiders					Everyday Shooter				C&C Generals		

Mirror's Edge					Aquaria						Grand Theft Auto IV		

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited	The Maw						C&C Generals - Zero Hour		

BattleForge					Unreal Tournament 2004				Osmos		

Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag			Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West		Empires		

Half-Life 2: Episode One			Smashball					Half-Life 2: Deathmatch		

Fortress Forever				The West					Zero Gear		

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City			The Path					Unreal

SPORE						Penumbra Overture Ep1				Dystopia	


Source xfire :P
how bout...2manygames
try rockband, create a new band and just keep using the random name generator, it will give you some good ideas
Have you tried throwing the above text into the Gibberish Generator, and seeing if it yields anything appealing? :P

Thanks for that link. We're reading Lolita in my Dangerous Texts class at the Institute. Curiously, I put the first paragraph of the first chapter in there, and Humbert Humbert sounds much more like the psychopath he is

My sin, my light of the tap, at the tongue to taking a trip of my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the palate tip of my light of three steps down the to taking a trip of my light of my life, on three, on the palate to tap, at three, fire of the to taking a trip of the palate to tap, at the palate tap, at the tip of three, fire of the tip of my sin, my soul. Lolita, light of my loins. My soul. Lee. Ta. Lolita, life, on three, on the teeth. Lolita, life, on the tongue tongue teeth. Lee. Ta. Lo-lee-ta: the tap, at thr [sic]
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@AquaAnalogue - Try out the "Pizza Ad" sample text that the Gibberish Generator provides. It yields some hilarious results, and some brilliant words like "garlicious" and phrases like "Presenting our new It's pizza now!". :P
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