i just bought earth bound! slap me in the face for being stupid...

yeah I actually collect to play only. of course I am not getting to play through everything I own.

I only collect carts of the games, not complete sets as I don't care for that. maps and manuals for rpgs are nice but most of the time I don't have them. a lot of my psx rpgs came pretty much complete which is nice.

I collect games to get the same feeling ingo described. I want to feel like when I was a kid, playing these games at the houses of friends, I was never allowed to own a video games console, my parents were strongly opposed to video games. For some reason they bought me a dos computer (when everyone else was getting win95 intel pcs with voodoo cards, I was stuck playing duke nukem)... I then found out about emulation and got the dos version of zsnes to run. Since then I always wanted to have the actual games. so I started collecting when I made my own money.

buying earthbound on the wiiu is cheaper... if you actually have a wiiu.
I have neither a wii or wiiu, and I don't want one. aquiring that hardware only to play roms of cartridges that I could own doesn't seem like a cheaper or better option to me. also I hate DLC and DRM. I'd like to own something that I can lend to friends, that I can touch and put in my gamesshelf.
well if one comes around calling you crazy, you can always say "I am no crazy collector, I am just a businessman waiting for the right opportunity":
You only live once, treat yourself.

If we had the spare cash (and space) we would love to have a couple of classic arcade cabinets and a pinball or two.

EDIT: My reply was to original post.