(Astute readers may remember development on this was halted indefinitely after some rotter broke into my car and stole the flash drive with the source backups on it. It's back.)
if you're wondering what happened to the multiplayer shining soul II clone, it's still very much important to me, I just haven't made a commit in a while. On a related note, if anyone has an idea how to properly know when to turn on and off a lens flare without occlusion queries and without tracing a ray through the world geometry, please tell me
(Astute readers may remember development on this was halted indefinitely after some rotter broke into my car and stole the flash drive with the source backups on it. It's back.)
if you're wondering what happened to the multiplayer shining soul II clone, it's still very much important to me, I just haven't made a commit in a while. On a related note, if anyone has an idea how to properly know when to turn on and off a lens flare without occlusion queries and without tracing a ray through the world geometry, please tell me
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