Scene 1:
Ninjas walk down street to go eat some food. Ninjas are all wearing black and looking totally sweet. There is some awesome music playing in the background to get the audience really pumped. Then some dude jumps out of nowhere. The ninjas start beating this guy's ass bad. Then the dude starts trying to run away, but one ninja pulls out a ninja star (ninja weapon) and throws it at the dude. The ninja star cuts the guy's head totally off. The head rolls over near this old dog that looks at the head and barfs all over the place, including the camera, which is awesome. The ninjas start flying and everybody starts screaming. Then the scene ends.
Scene 2:
A ninja is sleeping at his house. Some idiot walks by singing a super annoying song. Then the ninja wakes up super pissed and ready to rock. The guy just keeps walking and singing, while the ninja starts cutting down a building. When the guy walks by the building, it falls on him. (When the building is falling, a guitar will be wailing hard in the background.) There will be a close up of the dude's feet sticking out from under the building. The feet explode all over the place, because of blood pressure. Then we see that the ninja was playing the guitar. Then all these babes start coming out of nowhere and the ninja starts wailing ever harder (if that's even possible). Then the camera starts fading out and then explodes.
-I thought of this script right before bedtime. I got so pumped I almost kicked my mom right in the face!
Scene 1:
Ninjas walk down street to go eat some food. Ninjas are all wearing black and looking totally sweet. There is some awesome music playing in the background to get the audience really pumped. Then some dude jumps out of nowhere. The ninjas start beating this guy's ass bad. Then the dude starts trying to run away, but one ninja pulls out a ninja star (ninja weapon) and throws it at the dude. The ninja star cuts the guy's head totally off. The head rolls over near this old dog that looks at the head and barfs all over the place, including the camera, which is awesome. The ninjas start flying and everybody starts screaming. Then the scene ends.
Scene 2:
A ninja is sleeping at his house. Some idiot walks by singing a super annoying song. Then the ninja wakes up super pissed and ready to rock. The guy just keeps walking and singing, while the ninja starts cutting down a building. When the guy walks by the building, it falls on him. (When the building is falling, a guitar will be wailing hard in the background.) There will be a close up of the dude's feet sticking out from under the building. The feet explode all over the place, because of blood pressure. Then we see that the ninja was playing the guitar. Then all these babes start coming out of nowhere and the ninja starts wailing ever harder (if that's even possible). Then the camera starts fading out and then explodes.
-I thought of this script right before bedtime. I got so pumped I almost kicked my mom right in the face!
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
My name is Robert and I can't stop thinking about ninjas
I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).
Hey you fuckin moron,
I just visited you fucked up little piece of shit ninja site, and you don't know Jack Shit about them do you? First off, how fuckin old are you, you little SOB, and how the FUCK long have you studied NINJAS? If you honestly believe in what you put on your site you should just do the world a fuckin favor and bend over, put your dick in your mouth and bite it the fuck off so that everyone knows the planet won't be tainted by someone else genetically related to a dumb fuck like you. I got a fuckin list of things that are wrong on your fuckin page. First off, your fuck off firend Mark said he saw an actual NINJA, do you fuckin know how many there really are, there are less than 50 real ones left, and only 5 live in the U.S.! NINJAS DON'T FLIP OUT YOU FUCKIN RETARD!!! do you even know what Ninjas WERE!!! They were SPIES and ASSASSINS, next time ask before you pull shit out your ass and put it on a page. EVERYTHING you said on your page is shit, even your equipment is WRONG. I bet you don't even fuckin know the differance between a katana and a zaoichito blade, and if you DON'T then remove your fuckin site right the fickin now. I'm sick and fuckin tired of people like you, who have a computer and THINK somehting is cool, and then put total BULLSHIT on the internet to confuse otehrs who are actually researching the True past of these excellant soldiers, you MOTHER FUCKING PEICE OF RAT SHIT. If you want some REAL info e-mail me and I'd be GLAD to set you straight, I've actually studied these fuckers for MORE THAN TWO WEEKS. HELL, I've even been to the last official Okinawan Dojo for them. But please get your fuckin bullshit site off the fuckin net or COMPLETELY reFUCKINGdo-it.
is it me or does this sound like its come from the keyboard of Gimp
is it me or does this sound like its come from the keyboard of Gimp
wow that was terrible. you might be in the top 3 retards of this site. keep my name out your posts dickface
heh. some people have this thing which is quite useful. i call it a sense of humour.
I wouldn't say you are an expert on posting etiquette goity...I have to agree with gimp. Some of your posts just aren't funny at all.
Yup, it's just like that Maddox twat, just trying to piss people off by being ignorrant assholes.EDIT: this site appears to be nothing more than a joke. I mean, this kid's even proud of the hate mail he gets.
It's a joke, treat it as such.
EDIT2: check out the suppuku page, that is totally insane.
true that does look liek gimps work. but it could be hoity as he is sexually confused.
Sorry about that, anyway, is the book actually any good?Damn! You beat me to the Maddox connection!
But yeah, that site is blatantly by Maddox. The formatting, pride in hate mail, and even the style of writing would say so.
On an interesting side note, a friend of mine bought the Real Ultimate Power book :blink: