I Have A Flu Gp32 But What Aboyt The Blu

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OK ... I have a flu gp32 and had it about 4 days and I have started to play around with it and the emulators. Now as I am happy with this unit I have as it does what i want it to do what is the differance beween the flu and the blu apart from the lighting?. Do you get a better picture with the blu is it better than the flu doe s the blu run better with emulators and i have notice that gbax.com sell the blu at 166 mkz but they cost over 150 inc vat which is a lot of money for a hand held even that the gp32 is a great machine put this price put it on par with the psp. also i beleve there is a blu + what this all this about? like i said i have a flu gp32 and i would like to know if i spend agian on a gp32 what will i get for my money on a blu or blu +

Thanks for looking
FLU has washed out colors.
BLU is brilliant and has vibrant colors.
BLU life battery is longer.
BLU doesnt get alot of trapdust.

is that good enough?
also the blu+ has a tiwainese screen i think it was, and it had problems with the screen, but now most bugs ect are fixed although not every thing is perfect, but its nearly there.

i think gp32s go roughly same speeds unless you buy it modded from gbax thats about it really.
The main difference between the Flu, Blu and Nlu is as you say the lighting or lack there of.

The Blu/Blu+ on the other hand does have a much better screen which is back lit, very much like a small laptop.

The Blu+ is not the official name for the unit, It was a name given to it by the people here in the community, Because Gamepark changed suppliers of the screens they were using. In doing so, It introduced incompatibilities with a few programs. But you will still see it advertised as a Blu, As it is still the same unit, But with a different screen.

Read more about it here


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Here is an FAQ I wrote that I'm trying to get pinned:
The GP32 comes in 4 flavours: nlu (non-light unit), flu (front-light unit), blu (back-light unit) and blu+ (back-light unit, Taiwanese screen).

NLUs were manufactured first. They (and FLUs) require the user to register the GP online before non-commercial software can be used. Note that homebrewed and BLU firmware is available to update the launchers, so a NLU or FLU can run a BLU launcher.

FLUs have an issue with dust getting behind the screen. There are fixes. The front light washes out colours to some extent (this is common with front lights) but quality is still very good.

BLUs have an updated launcher that does not require registration to play non-commercial games. The launcher also boots faster. The back light makes colours very vivid, giving the blu and blu+ the best quality screen by far.

In late 2004 GamePark sourced their screens from a different (Taiwanese) manufacturer. These units are called BLU+. The BLU+ designation was devised by the GP32X board members to differentiate the units. On the box the BLU+ is still called BLU. If you are unsure if your unit is BLU or BLU+ you can hit L,R,R,L,R,R,L,L to enter test mode. If the unit is BLU+ you will see the following: "FW Version :1.6.6 (2004.10.10)"

Two issues were immediately apparent when the BLU+ was released:

1) A thick white bar about 1/3 of the way down the screen made some software unuseable.
2) The very top row of pixels (or 'scanline') was moved to the very bottom of the screen in most software.

Much was made (understandably) at the time about these problems, particularly the white bar.
HOWEVER, a software fix for the white bar issue has since been incorporated into almost all programs, apart from a few that are no longer being developed anyway. In addition, sometimes an older version of a program will work ok.

The following emulators have been tested and do NOT have the white bar issue:

Little John (NES)
Park o rama (SC3000)
CaSTaway (Atari ST)
GPEngine (PC Engine)
Fgen32 (Genesis)
DrMD (Genesis)
FZX32 (Spectrum)
Mame (Arcade)
Fenix homebrew games

The 'moved scanline' issue has been harder to fix. Currently around half of the emulators do not APPEAR to move the scanline, despite no fix being incorporated into their code.
BUT as most games have borders it is almost impossible to tell whether the scanline has been moved or not. Even (rarely) when the scaline is clearly moved it is a VERY MINOR issue that is easily ignored as it is so far from the playfield. Generally, at worst a few lighter pixels will appear at the bottom of the screen, very rarely some movement can be observed. Also, the unit plays best when tilted slightly away from the eyes (so that the player is not reflected), which hides the bottom scanline, as the screen is recessed into the body of the GP.
So there you go. Everyone who seems to have had an FLU and a BLU says the colours are better on a BLU but if you are like me and have never seen one, you will get by perfectly well with an FLU. I have never noticed any colour washing out on it (as I have no BLU to compare with) and I think it is a wonderful little gadget.
the only difference between the blu and the flu is the lighting, as far as the speed goes, I paid for almost 300 US for mine from gbax for the 166 and in my opinion it was money well spent as I use it almost every day. as far as blu vs blu+, there are no new blu's anymore, blu+ was a name the community came up with to differentiate between the 2 units (blu has a samsung screen) (blu+ has a different screen which for awhile made software incompatiable, since that time almost everything has been patched to work with both)

B) wildo2ne
Ok is there any pictrues of the blu so i can see what the lighting is like so i can compare the two. But i have to a agree as i have never seen a blu version so i don`t know what th backlight is like, as the saying goes what you don`t have you don`t miss

thanks for all you replys
hughes051 posted on Mar 24 2005 at 12:07 AM said:
Ok is there any pictrues of the blu so i can see what the lighting is like so i can compare the two.  But i have to a agree as i have never seen a blu version so i don`t know what th backlight is like, as the saying goes what you don`t have you don`t miss

thanks for all you replys

Here you go!.


And here.


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Ok, I've noticed something weird on the FLU (regarding the washing out thingy)

With the FLU light on, yeah the black color tends to be a bit blue-ish, and some colors are hard to see, like yellows and stuff.

Meanwhile, if I turn off the FLU, and shine a (rather bright) white LED light (a single LED light) at the screen (one of those squeeze light things, except this one has a switch), the colors aren't washed out. I don't understand why that happens... it's the same kind of LED (I think), yet the FLU washes out the colors, but shining the same kind of light at the screen will yield very vibrant colors, like if I were playing outside with the FLU off.

This may have to do with the angle the FLU shines its light at... It seems to shine the light across the screen, and I was shining my light directly at the screen.

Just an interesting observation. :)
hughes051 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 10:08 PM said:
OK ... I have a flu gp32 and had it about 4 days and I have started to play around with it and  the emulators.  Now as I am happy with this unit I have as it does what i want it to do what is the differance beween the flu and the blu apart from the lighting?.

you did well buying a FLU, :D forget this FLU vs BLU stuff...

BLU is better screen yes and is better built... but the FLU plays better outside and has better battery life and clocks higher in most cases...

FLU has problems

BLU has problems

there is no such thing as the perfect GP!

charga_man posted on another planet said:
FLU has washed out colors.
BLU is brilliant and has vibrant colors.
BLU life battery is longer.
BLU doesnt get alot of trapdust.

is that good enough?

WTF? charga_man ????? dude take a deep breath and stop posting crap... this helped nobody... + you own a FLU!!

hughes051 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 10:08 PM said:
Do you get a better picture with the blu is it better than the flu doe s the blu run better with emulators and i have notice that gbax.com sell the blu at 166 mkz but they cost over 150 inc vat which is a lot of money for a hand held even that the gp32 is a great machine put this price put it on par with the psp.  also i beleve there is a blu + what this all this about? like i said i have a flu gp32 and i would like to know if i spend agian on a gp32 what will i get for my money on a blu or blu +

so its all a much of a muchness really! dont buy a new GP just for a new screen :blink: your FLU should get up to 156mhz at least!

the GP32 screen is the marvel of all handheld users!!

BLU screen is only better than other gp's - the FLU has by far a better screen than a GBASP. But you need to spend PSP type monet to get a BLU 166... thats not too smart the FLU is awsome!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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