I Don´t Now If I Gonna Buy A Gp2x Ore Not!! :s Confused


Still Fresh
Aug 1, 2006
Hello Everybody!!

I really want to have a gp2x, but first I want to now if It´s so good.
You now, I have read on the internet, and this machine seems to be wonderfull.
But I wonder a few things.

The first thing I wonder, Is It´s easy to add movies, photos, games and music to the gp2x?
I also wonder how good the qualite Is on the movies, and if It´s easy to play games, and to handle different emulators on It?
I Like to read you now, manga and other series, can you have the program "Cdisplay" on the gp2x.

Probably you notice that I´m not good at english at all, but i hope you can forgive about that thing.

Have a good day
//Halullu :P
To use any media on the gp2x, you'll have to copy these files onto a SD-card. Something like a gb-module, but you stick it into a card-reader, connect it to your pc and then you just can copy files on it like in your windows explorer / mac finder. After that, you stick the card in the gp2x, et voilà!

The quality of the movies depends on themself. The gp2x has a hardware scaler and so it easily plays movie files that are bigger than it's screen. All in all, if a movie looks good on the computer, it will look good on the gp2x as well.

If you read the readme files of the game/emulator you want to play, you won't have any problems most of the time. The games are nearly all drag&drop, some emulators as well, other require you to download some other files off the internet.
But if you've got any problems, just post it here, and you'll be able to solve them fast thanks to this great community.
Reading manga may be a problem due to the low resolution so you wont get much to read on the screen.
As for the manga reading possibilities, I would say that the GP2X is not the best choice due to its small screen (it's only 320x240 in resolution, which means there would need to be a LOT of scrolling around to read the pages). Also, so far, no one (that I know of) has ported anything like CDisplay to the 2X.

Playing movies and games though, it's the best handheld I've ever seen :)
[disclaimer] I'm not having a dig at the OP - the post just got me thinking [/disclaimer]

Is it overly simplistic of me to think that in the specific case of the GP2X, if you need to ask the forum "Is it any good?", then chances are it's not for you?
It all depends on how good you are with computers in general. I mean mostly everything runs easily enough but you always get some dope who can't read the instructions that came with a program and then bitches that it dosn't work on these boards. As for CDisplay, the files this program uses are just renamed rars (cbr) and zips (cbz). By renaming the tag at the end of the filename you can use a program like winrar to unpack the files (most of which are just jpegs) for you to use with the picture viewer. That is how I started reading comics on the psp.
I've unpacked a comic before and loaded it up in the picture viewer to see how well it would work. You could read the comic cell by cell as it was very large, I believe it has a rescaling option in there too. I didn't like reading the comic like that though. :( the screen is too small and some cells can take up half a comic book page or be 2 pages or what ever, it worked all right for an old batman comic I have but I don't think I would read anouther comic on it. I heard some company is talking of making reusable paper thats electronic it would be cool if they could get it to work with comics. Even if its not real :P

I don't know how you could read a comic on a small screen like that it would just not seem right. ;)
oqnet posted on Aug 2 2006 at 08:45 AM said:
I've unpacked a comic before and loaded it up in the picture viewer to see how well it would work. You could read the comic cell by cell as it was very large, I believe it has a rescaling option in there too. I didn't like reading the comic like that though. :( the screen is too small and some cells can take up half a comic book page or be 2 pages or what ever, it worked all right for an old batman comic I have but I don't think I would read anouther comic on it. I heard some company is talking of making reusable paper thats electronic it would be cool if they could get it to work with comics. Even if its not real :P

I don't know how you could read a comic on a small screen like that it would just not seem right. ;)

E-paper is near completion...they just came out with a color version (can't remember what company though). It's pretty much just a screen the thickness of a sheet of paper that keeps it's image even with no power going into it.
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Claym99 posted on Aug 2 2006 at 10:00 AM said:
E-paper is near completion...they just came out with a color version (can't remember what company though). It's pretty much just a screen the thickness of a sheet of paper that keeps it's image even with no power going into it.

Cool I wasn't sure I dreamed that as I hadn't heard anything about it in sooo long. :D
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I've tried reading a few manga on my gp2x and it worked decently enough. what I did was use Ifranview to "batch" resize all my manga to 50-60% of its normal size then put it on the gp2x, I could read them fine and i didn't have to do as much scrolling. Worked pretty well actually. Hope this helps
Yeah, it works by switching the currents of the pixels, and only draws power when you change that currency. Sony announced a new reader using this e-paper, and reported that the battery will hold for 7200 page-turns. You could read Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, The Hobbit and all the collected notes Christopher Tolkien released without ever recharging the batteries.

Of course, being black/ white and with a terrible refresh rate, it's useless right now for gaming or regular computing, but for e-booking and things like that, it's amazing. The colour version I saw a few months ago was just like a billboard with specific colours set to a specific place. It wasn't like you could actually animate the colours. In that respect, it was more like those old LCD games with Mario. Can't remember what they used to be called. Game&Watch. Like those.
I think gp2x is quite lame in playing movies
A lot of downloaded movies simply refuses to play
Sometimes it's the audio, other times is the video codec, I really thoght that it would play anything that mplayer on linux without windows codecs could be capable of playing...
Also it just won't play MPG ou MPEG files, only AVIs, now that's bizarre..

but still it's a good choice indeed, best if you're likely to spend more time playing emulators than expensive new commercial games
Thank you guys!!!
I very glad that you answered so quick.
I´t seems to be little boring that the Gp2x, can´t handle comics very good.
But "JyuHO" could probably read comics on it, whitout any big problems, and that seems to be nice.

...........................................Wait i minute the Gp2x is good to
1. Play cool games on the emulator
2. Shows movies (with pretty good quality)
3. Play music (I don´t now with wich quality, probably good) (I hope :rolleyes: )
4. If you are going to read manga, it don´t is very good but you now it works.
5. It´s easy to to add things to the "Sd card" and then put the card inte thu Gp2x and then "et voilá" (Daven :P)

Why don´t I order a Gp2x now!!?????