I Can't Get Mame To Work


Still Fresh
May 22, 2009
When ever I run the Mame.gpe it loads and says no available games found and if I run autorun it just freezes.
I've found some rom's work but their are quite a few that don't, this will probably be remedied soon seeing as the GP2x had about 8 different Mame emulators and the Wiz has only officially been out for what a week or two now. So I'm just gonna sit back and wait for a mame emulator the supports Metal Slug....and Moon Walker.
Gruso posted on May 24 2009 at 07:43 AM said:
FYI your ROMs must be compatible with MAME 0.37b5.
how old id Mame 0.37b5 cause I have Mame 0.90u1 for windows and all my roms work fine.
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Console_Master said:
I got mame working, still an update would be very welcome.

I can't get mine to work. I tried fireone, putting it in Roms directory. Still the same no games found error.
Do I need do more than put the MAME4ALL for the Wiz on the console?
My MAME is LAME. :( I'm about to wiz on the Wiz. :ph34r:
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boys learned to use clrmamepro,are enough to patiently read the guide,later it becomes easy,you use clrmame.dat of Franxis contained in the 7zip,it contains all the data to adapt your roms for the mame4all,enough some patience is not difficult
Ahh I tried that dreaded overcomplicated clrmamepro and clrmame.dat; it became easier with clrmameguide though a bit more complicated again with numerous writing mistakes. :blink:

Trouble is, in the MAME4ALL Read Me file, for all his clear explanation of everything, Franxis doesn't clearly say the most important - and most unusual - point.


Folder names :unsure: or ZIP file names are listed on "gamelist.txt" file.


Games have to be copied into the roms/ folder on the SD card.

But I see now I missed he does for the sound, which was my catalclysmic downfall:


They are placed into the 'samples' directory compressed into ZIP files.

So after my post here and my pants coming off I finally read the answer somewhere.
Do not unzip the Roms. They will not work.
Instead of making folders for each game and unzipping them.

MAME games lame no more. :rolleyes:
i had difficulty too. but i found a strange way to resolve the problem. for each games that was not working. download all versions of the games. even if they are 5 or more versions. unzip all of them in a directory and zip them again in one file. the game file will be more larger but youre sure that all needed files are here. and Voila All is working. i get all my roms working with this. even ms pacman game takes 1 megs instead of a few ko. lol