Certified Guru
It's the overscan on your TV. CRT TVs never display all of the 720x576 display and some of it always drops of the screen somewhere (on mine I lose quite a bit on the left). The way round it is to create a 360x288 screen, but blit all your stuff onto a 320x240 surface as normal. Then you copy that 320x240 to the centre of the 360x288 screen and when it scales up to 720x288 you'll end up with no scaling distortion (320 will double up nicely to 640 instead of scaling to 720), a bit of a black border around the screen, and with a bit of luck everything will be in the TVs visible area (if it isn't just tweak where you blit the 320x240 to).joyrider posted on Oct 18 2006 at 01:09 PM said:For some reason part of the screen is cut off. It's on the right side it seems that there like 30 or so pixels that missing.
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