Howd you find out about the GP32? Older users plz.


Mar 29, 2003
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I think Ive been following the gp32 for a while now probably around a year or maybe more, I cant remember. I bought my GP 6months ago? But it occured to me, I dont remember how I first heard about it.
How bout you guys?
A friend on IRC mentioned it, and was thinking about buying it, so I read the review on and just fell in love 8-)

So I spread the word, got another friend interested and we ordered two gameparks from Craig. And there were much rejoicing. Yaaay. Weee. Wohoooo. And so on. ;>
i first saw it over a year ago when all the funky prototypes were floating about i liked the one that had 4 face buttons but they changed to a more recognised gba style layout i only bought one about 5 months ago never regretted it
I was actually looking to buy a GBA SP with a flash cart, but the GP32 on Lik-Sang's main page caught my eye. Since it was something new and interesting, I HAD to do some research, and finding out that it's open source (can't go wrong there) and that it can emulate other consoles, I instantly bought one. Also, I was fooled into thinking that the SNES emulator was 100% speed because of what Ryleh put in the readme file to satisfy the whiners, but overall I was thoroughly satisfied with the console (especially with Her Knights).
My story is a bit different than most stories here... and a bit funny:

I heard of GP32 a long time ago through (when GeePee32 has firstly been released).
Hmm... a handheld I'v never heard of. Okay, I looked around the internet for some games and thought "hah, this little machine's not gonna live long... no games at all!"

A year passed... I went away from the PC-emulation scene more and more and became more interested in the emulation and homebrew scenes for consoles. As I have a DC, a PSX and a PS2 at home, I tried a lot of nice emulators - I even became beta tester of PGEN for the PS2 (Genesis emulator).

Some time after that, someone gave me his old palm... which ran a gameboy emulator, but pretty slow. But there existed nice free games, and I thought... hmm, would be nice to have homebrew games and emulators on the go :)

Then, somewhere, I read about a handheld which uses SMC (the same cards my old digital camera used), specifically aiming to homebrew developers... guess what handheld I mean ;)

I bought it (without even knowing anything except the technical specifications).
After I got it, I searched on some info about the GP32 and found this forum :)

Yeah, well, here I am, and still happy to have one of those nice little machines :)

(I even thought about going to the Games Convention with my GP32 in my pocket, where Mitsui presents it as a new console which isn't available right now in Germany... but then I thought that would be some nasty showoff <g> )
In a magazine at first and then I read about it on a gamesite. After that, I did some research and discovered this amazing little piece of technology. And after several hours reading reviews and guides, I decided to go for it and I ordered one from Gbax. End of story. :)
I was browsing lik-sang, and came across it there, although I bought it a few months after I found it, as I wanted to research it to see if it was worth getting =P
I saw it when they first made the gp32 then bout a year later i say it redesigned.

then i only brought a gp32 cause of the board i dont use it that often cause the emulators dont feel right to me and i get bored fast but i love the homebrew games like pang etc.

NiN^_^NiN posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
I saw it when they first made the gp32 then bout a year later i say it redesigned.

then i only brought a gp32 cause of the board i dont use it that often cause the emulators dont feel right to me and i get bored fast but i love the homebrew games like pang etc.

It always makes me feel you were pressured into buying a gp when you post that.
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Ok, I`ve been beat.

Its all down to Axeman, I blame him. :P

He posted a couple of links to this site and gbax back in april on (A dedicated Amiga site :D ). I read a little more about it and was hooked, Two days later i ordered one from

Thanks Axeman. ;) :D

I think I remember now. Me and a couple of Koreans were talking about Korean consoles.
And I remembered a system that looked similar to the N64 (Cart system, 4 ports for controllers) advertised way before the N64 ever came out, I'd say about 2-3 years before. We went on talking about this apperantly crazy handheld that used to exist 5 years ago that was all color and such but lets not go further into this....

So i decided to search up : Korean Handhelds/ Korean Consoles
Nothing came up for a while except this recent thing called the GP32. I studied up on it (korean site was barely open back then). Saw the european community. Saw the emulation. Forced one of my parents to buy it for me when they went on a trip to the homeland :D
i was first shown it at the GameInfinity stand at the ECTS trade show exactly a year ago, by a Gamepark employee who was waving it about and showing the old Doom port. I wrote up about it, and bought one a few months later to play SCUMMVM and Doom-based games
I don't remember too well how I found out about it. I think I was looking for some NGPC stuff when I saw it on a website (lik-sang?). I then did a little research and found out that it could emulate classic systems.
Ok well i just found it out recently (ok 2 days ago) but i was sorta getting into emulators then i was browsing looking into the atari portable that this guy made and was selling. then i searched for ways to make your console portable and somehow navigated to this site. The next day i ordered it.
I found it out on IGN before the E3 it showed in, and I didnt get one until I stole it from someone who didn't have enough money while I was whoring.