How to watch 3D VR 360° videos in a normal display ?


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
I have some 3D VR 360° videos I want to watch, but I don't have the hardware needed and I'll use my normal PC monitor, so I just need to find a player that "corrects" all the distortion/duplication of the image, and makes me rotate with the mouse...

Somehow seems that the internet searches I do returns pages that explains how to make them or how to watch them with a smartphone or proper glasses... but I find nothing about adapting them for a normal display...

I found some references about VLC having some kind of support for this, but I can't understand if it's already in the last version, or if I'll have to get some other branch of it... anyway I don't know what options should I use to correct the video...

Do you know a player I can use or maybe how to use VLC for this ?

Whirlgig can also be used without a VR headset. Though the interface is not the best (especially not in VR, but doesn't matter here I guess), but still kinda usable.
Whirlgig can also be used without a VR headset. Though the interface is not the best (especially not in VR, but doesn't matter here I guess), but still kinda usable.

This seems to work well with one of them, the one that has just the video distorted, but the other videos have also the images doubled one on top of the other... I tried different custom modes but I can't find one that matches... seems like there are very different ways to make VR videos...

Do you know some sites with info about them ? Like images as how them appear on a normal video player ?

The video that works seems like it's called "360VR Monoscopic".

The videos not working should be "3D VR Stereoscopic Over-Under (OU)"... but seems that Whirlgig has only custom modes for Side-By-Side (SBS) videos...


WAIT !! It works !! It has more settings than I was aware of, and one of them is to select what stereoscopic view to use :)

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