How To Turn On Usb?


What does this do again?
Jan 4, 2006
UK, Near London, somewhere...
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Hello all,

I've been searching though the forums, poking here and there in the WIKI and looking though the files but I'm at a bit f a lose on this one.

What's the easiest way to active the USB Host though the EXT port?
I believe that OddBots firmware will do it but are there any otherways?

Got my little "development" USB adaptor all set up and waiting to go, but kinda forgot about actually getting the 2x to realise it's plugged in! I understand it needs to be part of the firmware but I'm sure I've read somewhere of a script to turn in on and off if you're using the offical 1.4.0 (although I could have been dreaming that)

Any help is appreciated (even if it's just telling me to search better and pointing me another thread :) )
You are a gentleman.... I now have one working USB interface!
OK the stripboard held in a clamp stand isn't all that portable, but what the hell, it works :-)

Thank you once again. Off to have a play with adding Video Out to the board now!
No Problem. I got my USB Hub from there.

"OK the stripboard held in a clamp stand isn't all that portable" - Right now I try to mod a USB 2,5' HDD for putting on the back of the GP2X. That will be portable
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Emu&Co posted on Mar 19 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
"OK the stripboard held in a clamp stand isn't all that portable" - Right now I try to mod a USB 2,5' HDD for putting on the back of the GP2X. That will be portable

This was a 2.5" HDD in caddy, sadly it's a power hungry little thing. It lit the powersupply's "overload" light on start up which comes on at just over 500mA!

I am looking into 6AAs running though a regulator though. See what sort of time I get out of them. Time for another trip to Maplins :)
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im starting to work on building a breakout box of sorts as an all in one unit using an iconcepts 4 port usb hub link , a nintendo style AV connector (use nintendo AV cables which i have many of) and 2 2 AA battery holders. i will set it up to plug into the ext port and clip on the back of the gp2x, it will be very small!

do you think this would be a good cable to get link!
triton posted on Mar 20 2006 at 02:34 AM said:
do you think this would be a good cable to get link!

Have a look here WIKI EXT Port Connectors seems that the E720 connector is on the "Confirmed Fitting Connectors" so it should work.
May take a little adjustment on the keying (lower side of the connector) but I took my guide from the WIKI and it worked. I used an E810 <-> USB connector.
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lucoxade posted on Mar 20 2006 at 06:23 PM said:
I'm looking forward to seeing all these hardware mods :) any chance of a sneak peek at your WIP?

Oh alright then :-)

The black cable goes off to the EXT connector, the green is a +9v in, the white is the GND from the power supply. It's all built on a bit of veroboard (couldn't find my prototyping board!)
To gauge the size, the power connector you can see in the picture on the left is the one used to power the GP2x
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so your making more of a docking station huh. thats cool dude, mine will be much smaller, i will take a pic of what im going to do and already have. just need to buy that cable and i am all set.
triton posted on Mar 21 2006 at 12:02 AM said:
so your making more of a docking station huh. thats cool dude, mine will be much smaller, i will take a pic of what im going to do and already have. just need to buy that cable and i am all set.

Yes, more of a docking station. With Power, USB, TVout and Serial connections all in one. I have grand ideas about remote controls and all sorts of things.... But they're just ideas at the moment. Need to re-learn C++ first :)
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lucoxade posted on Mar 21 2006 at 11:44 PM said:
Nice work! somone realy needs to make a breakout box with infra red on it :)
That's what I'd like to put together in the long run... Then it would be a portable media centre... I have the "basic" electronic skills, just have to get to grips with C++, Linux, Interfacing, Drivers and meld it all together.. Easy..... :)

Who want's to put a pre-order in? *lol*
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