How to select wifi access point in mini menu?


Sep 21, 2011
The Netherlands
Is it possible to select/modify the wifi access point from the mini menu?

Currently, I switch to xfce if I want to change the access point, but I would like to do this directly from the mini menu.
., i only saw an option to toggle, would be useful for people who want to manage their hotspots to have the option to do so.
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My custom MiniMenu let's you set all the WiFi up.

It has some other tweaks that I made that might just be personal preference. I suppose I should try and get my changes pushed into the live MiniMenu. Not sure if I'm able to do that though

Edit: More info here:
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I never did get around to finishing up my changes for mmenu to do basic network control; is it a priority I shoudl work on? I rather got the impression that most folks didnm't seem to care too much, and I worry Iv'e already packed 'too much' into mmenu as is. (Was trying to keep it fast, sleek, light..)

But some things do need to be in, is this one of them?

I'm starting to get some wind back, so maybe I can get back onto it. *shrug*

pmprog .. I know we talked about it 6mo ago.. I Seem to recall your chanegs werenm't directly suitable for inclusion into the mainline for mmenu (ie: you'd made some assumptions or did things in a not quite right way imho for mmenu), but certainly the idea was pretty spot on (the changes I starfed in response to our discussion were directly based on your findings.) *sheug* If you like, submit the diffs or patch, and I can review.. maybe only a couple of twekas are needed, or maybe its fine, or maybe I coudl write back and say 'change this or that' .. can't say till I've seen it :) (I don't want to be an ogre mind you, but I am current maintainer, want to be careful about what goes in.)


(resisting the tich to rewrite mmenu ;)
Oh yeah, I'd definately need to tweak my code before going in submitting it (My modded version replaced a couple of menu options instead of adding, and hacked the view state to be able to ditch off subcategories completely, just to suit my personal preferences and get rid of some stuff I never used). Don't worry about that ;)

I also don't think it's that big of an issue, it seems rare that people ask, and that's why I never formally submitted a patch to you and just left my unofficial hack lying around in case people were interested.
Shoudl just make mmenu specific pnds.. one for connecting, one for disconnecting; barely need to add menu items for it.. I always wanted all this stuff to go as pnds, not changing mmenu to do every little thing :)

pmprog .. why not see if you can do that? Two pnds..

i) mmenu Internet Connect

ii) mmenu Internet Disconnect

Could be tricky on the connect one of course, depending on keyring setup and if a scan is needed and so forth, but coudl be handled by a bash script..

Otherwise I can try to reprioritize that change set in mmenu, since its not that big really.. I do have some mmen changes to test and push in anyway.

Yeah, I think I could manage that. Though it wouldn't really be connect and disconnect - the existing WiFi toggle will sort that. It just needs a link to the connection editor

I personally disliked the PND idea though, only because it meant scrolling through all the categories to the end to flick on WiFi. I liked being able to just press a couple of keys and I'm in.

Also, I never got around the keyring popup, I wish somebody would do a patch/update or something that would allow the keyring password to be saved :P

Edit: I'll try and do this and post tonight
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Really, one of the early ideas was to have mmenu just be a framework, with plugins (that are pnd-files); I also wanted to do a plugin system so plugins could render on the screen and do all sorets of stuff; But in the end, had onyl 4 days to write mmenu (we originalyl wanted it for "shipping" day, so long ago :) and wanted it to run fast and light, so.. you see what we got :)

We coudl drop a few more menu items into the main 'select' menu as discussed, bnut I already think that menu is sort of ugly, full of items, and people dont' immediately think of it (its a button away.) We could drop scripts into a special mmenu script dir and have menu items fire them up.. but might as well do pnds then.

We could make shortcut keys.. alt-WHATEVER to invoke specific scripts, with defaults for the networking ones, so that its still only a key away? This woudl preserve the pnd menu interface (peopel can find them in NEtworking or System) and yet give the power user a quick hit?

Not ALT-whatever please! Make it CTRL-whatever. Even better would be an option to set a custom optional shortcut key for each PND...
I also wanted to do a plugin system so plugins could render on the screen and do all sorets of stuff;
I still think we should look at doing something like this, you could even add repo access etc. :D

Attached is a PND that let's you toggle WiFi (but boots nm-applet first, so it will autoconnect to remembered WiFi's etc.), and also start up the nm-connection-editor.



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Not ALT-whatever please! Make it CTRL-whatever. Even better would be an option to set a custom optional shortcut key for each PND...

Yep of course; I was merely making an example so you knew what I meant .. not a straight ke3yboard key, since mmenu will already 'jump to name' for that sort of key.

Now, lets try pmprog's pnd and see if it works, and if so, we can build on that :)


Just looking at the PXML -- Maybe change it to 'Minimenu Toggle Wifi', instead of just 'Toggle Wifi' (since don't we already have a Toggle Wifi in the System menu built in, in xfce .. don't want duplicates.'; this will show up in Accessories in xfce. (sure, people could put it into /pandora/mmenu, but they'll forget to :)

Did you forget an & or something? or does it kill wifi when it exits? I did a quick run and got a black screen .. ie: the job ran, and was just doing nothing; hitting Pandora to kill it and return to mmenu, turned down wifi again I think. Test it :)
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Just looking at the PXML -- Maybe change it to 'Minimenu Toggle Wifi', instead of just 'Toggle Wifi' (since don't we already have a Toggle Wifi in the System menu built in, in xfce .. don't want duplicates.'; this will show up in Accessories in xfce. (sure, people could put it into /pandora/mmenu, but they'll forget to :)
It apprears in a different menu option, but easily done

Did you forget an & or something? or does it kill wifi when it exits? I did a quick run and got a black screen .. ie: the job ran, and was just doing nothing; hitting Pandora to kill it and return to mmenu, turned down wifi again I think. Test it :)
That's weird, I ran it on my Pandora, and seemed to all work okay for me... So I did actually test it thank you very much ;)

I've uploaded the scripts - attached


Wonder if it's because of my custom MiniMenu, and nm-applet is already running actually. So the scripts included are waiting for it to finish before running the toggle/connection editor.

How do I fork in script?


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I'd suggest using the same appdata dir for both, since they're not actually keeping any state.. might as well keep directory creation spam to a minimum.

Does nm-applet need a trailing & to run it in background?

I have 'enable wifi on startup' turned on, so maybe thats confusing it?

Sorry, pandora isn't nearby, can't test very easily. (remoting into it)

Does nm-applet need a trailing & to run it in background?
?? There's no trailing '&' when I look at the scripts?! :o

Thats my point ;)

I don't know particular of nm-applet -- is it supposed to go to background on its own or does it need a hint? IF it needs a hint, then adding & means to drop a job into background when its run.

Thats my point ;)

I don't know particular of nm-applet -- is it supposed to go to background on its own or does it need a hint? IF it needs a hint, then adding & means to drop a job into background when its run.
Oh, sorry, I thought you were saying there was one present when you were looking

Yes, it needs to run as a background - seperate to the script process (ie, non-blocking), and the scripts should work okay

Progress at last. B)

Edit: B) Further progress has been made.
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