OKay, guys, please try this pnd out and let us know if it works:
Its essentially rewritten, but same concept (same steps as pmprog had before.)
A lot of little changes..
- all the subapps use the same appdata (no point in them having multiples, they don't log anything)
- changed the appdata name (sorry) -> mmenunettool
- changed category to Network, seemed to make sense (and given the name 'net tool' it'd be where you'd instinctively look for it I think)
- broke it into 3 explicit apps instead of 2 (ie: 'toggle wifi' seemed ambiguous .. what if wifi was loaded but not active, or if nm-applet was already running from an xfce switch, but wifi not up, or some other weird possibilities); so I made conn editor, wifi on, wifi off, so you can specifi exactly what you like
- since we're not trying to get right into the innards of what nm-applet is up to, it makes some guesses.. ie: when bringing wifi up, it checks if nm-applet is running or not and starts it up if its not (but leaves it alone otherwise.) Likewise, it doesn't load the wifi driver if its already present. However, if you have a loaded driver, but tell it to disconnect, then telling this job to 'wifi on' won't actually do anything, since it won't know if the driver is on or not since you might be fiddling.. it rather assumes a simple on/off/on/off workflow under its own control, but allowing for a few oddities. The intelligence here could be much improved.. do a ping-test, see if it works, and use that as a determinant for up or not, say .. etc.
- changed app names to be "MM wifi on" and "MM wifi edit" and that sort, so they fit on the minimenu display readably in icon mode
Scripts seem to work for me on a vanilla flash, so I think we're good
If this works peachy for everyone, it'd almost be tempting to add a alt-key shortcut to mmenu or whatever, to invoke this pnd directly without having to find it in the display, .. hmrf.
Anyway, please let us know
Offhand, I don't know what it does if wallet has a password.. will it ask, or hang? need to verify. If you find out, let us know