How To Fix Snes9X4D4P If Hotfix 3 Breaks Its Audio


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I just installed Hotfix 3, and as noted in a couple of other threads, I ended up with Snes9x4D4P's sound disappearing completely.

I have no idea what the cause is, but in case this happens to anyone else, it's a simple fix: You need to delete the PND and its appdata folder (remember to retrieve your save-states first if you have made any - these are located in a hidden folder inside Snes9x4D4P's appdata entry, so you will need to set Thunar to show hidden files), re-download the PND*, and then run it. Sound will now be working. If you rescued any save-states, quit the emulator now and copy the saves folder back into the new appdata folder that will now have been (re-)created.

*Simply removing the appdata entry and keeping the old PND will not do the trick - I tried this unsuccessfully a few times. :P
that doesn't seem to make any sense to me ;) removing the appdata means the pnd-file is identical to a new one. (unless the pnd-file is corrupted, somehow.) But if the pnd was corrupted, I'd be surprised it'd work at all, or would be little oddities all over.. not 'sound stops'. *boggle*

Tried your other apps?

Did you reboot after hf#3?

It makes no sense to me either (it seems that I've got a bit of a knack for dragging up stuff like this in normal usage :P ). :lol: I rebooted immediately after installing Hotfix 3, I tried other apps - nothing else was affected.

I notice that there was a slight difference when I ran Snes9x4D4P after that, though - I could now see the text that said "Press space for the menu" in the lower-left when starting a game (previously I saw two very compressed lines that vaguely resembled text in both of the upper corners), and there was also a "last-rom-path" file (is that the name? Something like that, anyway - my Pandora's off right this minute :P ) in the appdata folder, which wasn't there before. It's also remembering the last ROM path now, obviously, which it didn't before.

It's the same version I was using before, though - the one before the version with the added 3:2 scaling, from your "Help me beta test" thread for it. :blink: (EDIT: I mean, it's the one where 32KHz audio became the default. :P)
Could've been a versioning issue; ie: different version of the pnd (filenames can tell them apart), and perhaps that particular version conflicted with the audio-fix applied by hf#3? (really reaching there :)

We'll see how it goes with more people :)

I should note that until I deleted and replaced it today, it had been the same singular PND that I had been using since day one, so I'd be surprised if it was some sort of versioning thing. :P
Prometheus said:
I notice that there was a slight difference when I ran Snes9x4D4P after that, though - I could now see the text that said "Press space for the menu" in the lower-left when starting a game (previously I saw two very compressed lines that vaguely resembled text in both of the upper corners), and there was also a "last-rom-path" file (is that the name? Something like that, anyway - my Pandora's off right this minute :P ) in the appdata folder, which wasn't there before. It's also remembering the last ROM path now, obviously, which it didn't before.

That sounds to me like you are the luckiest person to ever download a corrupted PND. (It worked well enough that you didn't know anything was wrong, but it didn't work completely) That press space for menu text has worked in each version I have tested.

-God Ginrai
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Wow. :lol: If that's the case, I think that only proves my point about having a knack for finding this stuff during normal usage (this is one to rival that bug in the Saturn BIOS, I think, if it really was corrupted). I downloaded the 32KHz-audio build the second it was made available, and I swear it's always worked fine!
Prometheus said:
*Simply removing the appdata entry and keeping the old PND will not do the trick - I tried this unsuccessfully a few times. :P

A little late, but Thanks! I hadn't been playing SNES since installing hotfix 3, but gave it a go today and realised I had the same sound problem, and also that deleting the appdata path alone didn't solve it. Tried your deleting both the .PND and appdata path technique and it worked... somehow... :P
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Did you ever properly see the "Press Space for menu" text, and other such things, out of curiousity?
Prometheus said:
Did you ever properly see the "Press Space for menu" text, and other such things, out of curiousity?

I don't recall having seen that before now either :\ Hmm we can't have BOTH downloaded slightly corrupted .PND's could we? :P
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The one with the corrupted startscreen (where you couldn't read the "Press Start"-text) was an older Beta.
So you definately replaced an older version with the newer one. The older one didn't use 44,1KHz as sound rate.

Since I had sound problems with Stella and HF3 too until I changed the rate to 44,1KHz, I guess that was your problem.
I doubt that was my problem, ED - the newest one (the "3" build, rather than the one with the 3:2 scaler) uses 32KHz as the default, because that's what the SNES itself uses, and the PND I used was the 32KHz one - in fact, I specifically waited until that build was released before downloading any version of it at all. :P

I just can't figure it out, but 44.1KHz audio has never come into it at any point. :blink:
Prometheus said:
I doubt that was my problem, ED - the newest one (the "3" build, rather than the one with the 3:2 scaler) uses 32KHz as the default, because that's what the SNES itself uses, and the PND I used was the 32KHz one - in fact, I specifically waited until that build was released before downloading any version of it at all. :P

I just can't figure it out, but 44.1KHz audio has never come into it at any point. :blink:

Is the current one running with 32kHz?
Might be, but I remember the older version (with garbled "press Start"-graphics) used lower quality sound settings (lower than 32KHz then)
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The current one is 32KHz, yep. :) The older version was 22KHz, I think, but I never used it - my original 32KHz download definitely had the garbled stuff. :blink:

(EDIT: You know, if I had known that it would puzzle me this much, I would have kept the original one instead of just deleting it! :lol: )
My original was downloaded from the Pandora appstore only a few weeks ago, so would be a fairly new build. I have no idea why the sound didn't work with mine, but as it's fine now, and this 'glitch' or whatever it seems to be hasn't happened to many people, it doesn't seem like something to focus efforts on :P
Mine came from skeezix's own link, just to clarify where I got mine. :P But yes, I agree, it seems to have only affected a miniscule handful of people, so it's not a big deal in the big picture.
Hotfix 3 didn't break anything by itself, but when I re-installed the OS, my numeric UID changed. I don't know how that happened, but I had to reset all the permissions in pandora/appdata.
Whatever the cause Prometheus tip just fixed the sound for me aswell, so cheers :). I'd lost sound since Notaz sound fix for everything else and not from Hotfix3.

The original pnd in my case did not have garbled 'press space' text either but is not the latest 20100601_3.pnd