Another Nesemu Save/load Problem

Ah, ok, I never knew that! I'm sure you're right that it's PAL, so that would make sense. I have vague memories of it working properly on the GP2X but I think the controls were a bit of a bugger so I never spent that much time on it.
I feel that I ought to post an update here. Inexplicably, Hotfix 4 has fixed the problem I'd been having with NesEmu. It now saves and loads states properly, and it will start again and work correctly when next run, be that during the same session, or after a shut-down or reboot.
Look forward to more random anomalies in the future, same Prometheus-time, same Prometheus-channel. :lol:

I guess I ought to mark this one as "[SOLVED]", really, eh?
(as also posted on the other forum:) You also formatted the hell out of it, and you mentioned you didn't use NesEmu anymore after you formatted it. For me, a couple of formats later and it's not solved, but I'll try the hotfix and report back if it does solve my problem too (formatting it didn't solve my probs). Let's hope it's fixed for me too (even though I have a new SD incoming..)
So, it definately was my sd card. I got another one today, and that does not misbehave. So, for the record: I had a Peak ( 16 gb class 6 SDHC card, and that gave trouble. All the formatting I did, did not fix it.

EDIT: Also, after hotfix4, the problem was still there, so was 100% the memcard.
Well, I don't know what to say. My NesEmu problem has re-returned all over again. It's like a mandelbug or something. Just making a note of it for now - logs to follow when my Pandora's next powered up (it's resting for now after a couple of stages of Mega Man X :P ).

With me, though, it's been doing this since the memory card was brand new...
Ok, it runs once and never again, right?
Delete the appdata directory, then post the contents of /tmp/pndrunnesemu.whatever. So far I've only been trying to figure out why the second run doesn't work, but maybe the first run is actually doing something weird.
I just went and fetched up some logs to edit in, and here I find that you've posted. :P

Here they are... This first one is from when it's refusing to run after the last time;
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop0
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
/usr/pandora/scripts/ line 37: ./nesemu.linux.elf: No such file or directory
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
umount: /mnt/utmp/nesemu: not mounted
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done

This second one is what I got after eliminating NesEmu's appdata directory, and then running it again. It's actually from a second attempt at running it again during the same session, as I forgot to get a log the first time. I'm sure that the first one would have been identical, though.
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop3
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
nesemu - version 0.2.3

curdir = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/'
determined executable directory to be '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu'
inited system, file and log ok
argv0 = './nesemu.linux.elf'
initing filesystem
creating directories
inited config
initing gui
inited video
inited input
initing sound
sdl sound reset ok, 22050hz, 16 bits
init done, saving config
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
device 0 set to type 1
device 1 set to type 0
expansion device set to type 0
failed to load bios 'genie.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'disksys.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'hle_fds.bin.gz'
failed to load bios 'nsf_bios.bin.gz'
trying to load rom passed as parameter
everything initialized ok, beginning main loop
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing nes
freeing screen buffer
killing system
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing gui2...
killing sound...
killing input...
killing video...
killing logger...
killing system dependent stuff...
nesemu exiting...
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done

Next, I shut down my Pandora in order to retrieve the above logs (which I had saved to my main SD Card), and then booted it up again, started NesEmu, and set NesEmu's configuration to my liking (Select = "Q", Start = Enter, Pandora X = NES A, Pandora A = NES B ) . I then ran a game, saved a state, reset the game, and then loaded the state I'd saved, before quitting;
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop0
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
nesemu - version 0.2.3

curdir = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/'
determined executable directory to be '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu'
inited system, file and log ok
argv0 = './nesemu.linux.elf'
initing filesystem
creating directories
inited config
initing gui
inited video
inited input
initing sound
sdl sound reset ok, 22050hz, 16 bits
init done, saving config
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
device 0 set to type 1
device 1 set to type 0
expansion device set to type 0
failed to load bios 'genie.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'disksys.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'hle_fds.bin.gz'
failed to load bios 'nsf_bios.bin.gz'
trying to load rom passed as parameter
everything initialized ok, beginning main loop
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
loadrom: loading rom '/media/PandoraMain/nes/Hacks/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
unloadrom: unloading rom
loading 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'...
load_ines_header: 256kb prg, 0kb chr, mapper 1, horizontal mirroring
vram size set to 8192k
nes image 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes' loaded ok
ines mapper 1 loaded
sram size set to 8k
nes reset ok
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
rom->filename = 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
save state: filename = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/state/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).state'
saved state, 55988 bytes
nes reset ok
rom->filename = 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
load state: filename = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/state/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).state'
loading block 'NES'
loading block 'CPU'
loading block 'PPU'
loading block 'APU'
loading block 'MAPR'
loading block 'VRAM'
loading block 'SRAM'
loaded state, 55988 bytes
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing nes
freeing screen buffer
killing system
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing gui2...
killing sound...
killing input...
killing video...
killing logger...
killing system dependent stuff...
nesemu exiting...
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done

Irritatingly, now that I'm trying to get a log of when it ceases functioning again, it is behaving itself perfectly well!
However, I can practically guarantee that in a few days' time, as soon as I want to play something, it will stop working again. That's all I can provide until it does.
Prometheus said:
That's all I can provide until it does.
I can't believe I'm actually hoping you have problems :P
Everytime you run it, just copy the log file to your SD card until eventually it doesn't work. Hopefully that log file will show some error at the end which kept it from unmounting properly, or some other clue.
Last edited by a moderator:
As if on cue, one day later it is no longer working again. :lol: Here's the log. It seems to be the same as the one from its non-working state yesterday, at a glance.

rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop0
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
/usr/pandora/scripts/ line 37: ./nesemu.linux.elf: No such file or directory
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
umount: /mnt/utmp/nesemu: not mounted
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done

As usual, if I remove NesEmu's appdata directory it will work fine again, but then stop just like it has now. I really don't get what's going on. :P

EDIT: I think it's worth noting that, when the card was ext2, NesEmu behaved just fine, but simply couldn't save or load states. I don't know why it's doing what it's doing with FAT32, here.
Pardon the double-post, but I have observed something curious that I think bears mentioning. This issue also, rarely, happens with some other apps that I use as well - specifically, it's happened a couple of times with Snes9x4D4P, once with DeadBeef (the older PND), and twice with GINGE as well.

What's going on? :blink:

EDIT: Firefox, too, now. I guess this really is the same problem that laurens was encountering, although I can only seem to reliably replicate it with NesEmu - the rest seem to be quite random. Unfortunately, changing the SD Card is not an option for me - it's a £65 card (and I made sure to go with a good brand specifically to avoid problems) and I can't afford to throw that sort of money away. Can someone tell me what sort of information is needed so I can file this on the bug-tracker, please?