I just went and fetched up some logs to edit in, and here I find that you've posted.
Here they are... This first one is from when it's refusing to run after the last time;
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop0
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
(for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might
need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
/usr/pandora/scripts/pnd_run.sh: line 37: ./nesemu.linux.elf: No such file or directory
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
umount: /mnt/utmp/nesemu: not mounted
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done
This second one is what I got after eliminating NesEmu's appdata directory, and then running it again. It's actually from a second attempt at running it again during the same session, as I forgot to get a log the first time. I'm sure that the first one would have been identical, though.
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop3
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
nesemu - version 0.2.3
curdir = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/'
determined executable directory to be '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu'
inited system, file and log ok
argv0 = './nesemu.linux.elf'
initing filesystem
creating directories
inited config
initing gui
inited video
inited input
initing sound
sdl sound reset ok, 22050hz, 16 bits
init done, saving config
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
device 0 set to type 1
device 1 set to type 0
expansion device set to type 0
failed to load bios 'genie.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'disksys.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'hle_fds.bin.gz'
failed to load bios 'nsf_bios.bin.gz'
trying to load rom passed as parameter
everything initialized ok, beginning main loop
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing nes
freeing screen buffer
killing system
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing gui2...
killing sound...
killing input...
killing video...
killing logger...
killing system dependent stuff...
nesemu exiting...
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done
Next, I shut down my Pandora in order to retrieve the above logs (which I had saved to my main SD Card), and then booted it up again, started NesEmu, and set NesEmu's configuration to my liking (Select = "Q", Start = Enter, Pandora X = NES A, Pandora A = NES B ) . I then ran a game, saved a state, reset the game, and then loaded the state I'd saved, before quitting;
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cpuspeed': No such file or directory
cpu_mhz_max set to 600
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
sudo mount -t squashfs /dev/loop0
mounting union!
Filesystem is vfat
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
nesemu - version 0.2.3
curdir = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/'
determined executable directory to be '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu'
inited system, file and log ok
argv0 = './nesemu.linux.elf'
initing filesystem
creating directories
inited config
initing gui
inited video
inited input
initing sound
sdl sound reset ok, 22050hz, 16 bits
init done, saving config
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
device 0 set to type 1
device 1 set to type 0
expansion device set to type 0
failed to load bios 'genie.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'disksys.rom.gz'
failed to load bios 'hle_fds.bin.gz'
failed to load bios 'nsf_bios.bin.gz'
trying to load rom passed as parameter
everything initialized ok, beginning main loop
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
loadrom: loading rom '/media/PandoraMain/nes/Hacks/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
unloadrom: unloading rom
loading 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'...
load_ines_header: 256kb prg, 0kb chr, mapper 1, horizontal mirroring
vram size set to 8192k
nes image 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes' loaded ok
ines mapper 1 loaded
sram size set to 8k
nes reset ok
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
rom->filename = 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
save state: filename = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/state/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).state'
saved state, 55988 bytes
nes reset ok
rom->filename = 'Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).nes'
load state: filename = '/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/state/Adventures of Bass 2 (Megaman II Hack).state'
loading block 'NES'
loading block 'CPU'
loading block 'PPU'
loading block 'APU'
loading block 'MAPR'
loading block 'VRAM'
loading block 'SRAM'
loaded state, 55988 bytes
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing nes
freeing screen buffer
killing system
saving config (/mnt/utmp/nesemu/.nesemu/nesemu.cfg)...
unloadrom: unloading rom
killing gui2...
killing sound...
killing input...
killing video...
killing logger...
killing system dependent stuff...
nesemu exiting...
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
cpu_mhz_max set to 500
cleanup done
Irritatingly, now that I'm trying to get a log of when it ceases functioning again, it is behaving itself perfectly well!
However, I can practically guarantee that in a few days' time, as soon as I want to play something, it will stop working again. That's all I can provide until it does.