ok... to enable LR as mouse buttons I did following:
in Menu->Settings->Session and Startup
add "Application Autostart" new script with following contents:
xkbset m
xkbset exp =m
a binary file, not included in OS is necessary:
66d56f486ef15b1a3eea94622d4487ef xkbset
Finally a modification in .pndXmodmap is necessary, changing keycodes of 62 and 105:
keycode 62 = Pointer_Button1 NoSymbol Pointer_Button1
keycode 105 = Pointer_Button3 NoSymbol Pointer_Button3
I hope that this is really everything necessary.
Now, about how to implement this in your tool:
- modification of autostart scripts - I think this can be deferred to ~/.xinitrc instead of messing with xfce autostart
- you will need to add a binary of xkbset in your tool
- modification of .pndXmodmap would be a call to 'patch ~/.pndXmodmap < enableLR.diff', but I'm unable to produce such patch file, because I don't have original .pndXmodmap
I hope that it will work for you when you start testing this.