Sales How they will declared pandora at customs?


Still Fresh
Mar 8, 2009
Hello there, I asked this question to Jackelyn but she never answered me.

How the Pandora will be declared at customs?

I made an order/preorder and all that stuff a month ago but then I realized that the final price would be higher than $330 because of the customs taxes. So, to know if I would cancel or keep my orden on, I need to calculate the customs taxes. I know that the taxes are a % of the declared value of the product but to know how much is that % I need to know how the pandora will be declared at customs.

So, do you know how it'll be declared?


PS:Sorry for my english, I'm still studing it.
It probably depends where you are. In the UK, import taxes are collected by the shipping company, from the customer, on delivery as a general rule. This means that it does not affect the amount you need to pay to OpenPandora for your order, but you will have to pay extra when it arrives.

Its possible to have other ways of paying the tax, but the amount seems not to be determined until import occurs. Either the selling company aggregates the errors in their predictions, or charges enough that they don't care.
Yeap, I know the taxes are differents in differents countries (I'm in Argentina). But if I'm not wrong there are a system used internationaly by customs: each product has a 'customs tariff nomenclature' ("nomenclatura arancelaria" in spanish, I don't know which is the word to it in english),it is code of numbers that categorizes the product (for example:
Electronics->PDA, Automotor->Tire, Books,etc.) and it is used in customs to know how much (% of the declarated price) taxes they have to charge. If a product of some kind has never entered to the country maybe there is no code for it in the country which receive the product, so then (in this case) Argentina's customs asks USA's customs for the code or the catergorie of the product, then they update their codes list(Here is an example for that codes list for toys in Argentina:
As least as I know each product that is marketed internationaly must have that code(Most of times it's is a general code: a Dell Inspiron 1500 had the same code that a Lenovo X61, because both are laptop computers). If the product is new and it doesn't mach with any categorie the exporting customs has to asign it, so if OpenPandora is selling the Pandora internationaly I think they know it (that's why I asked this to Jackelyn, but she never answered me).
If I know this code or categorie I can make a call to the customs here and ask how much they'll charge.

The shipping companies works in the same way here, they pay the taxes for you in the customs, but then you have to pay them when the product arrive to your home. And, at least in Argentina, if it's something electrical or electronic (the most of times) it must to stay in customs (they say that is for "security reasons"). I've called UPS here in Argentina and they told me that that's the way it works.

So if I'll buy one Pandora I need to know if I'll have to pay $330 + 40% in taxes or $330 + 90% in taxes + shipping charge.

I think that maybe it is a difficult question to answer :S but I haven't received any respond from Jackelyn(I asked this to her maybe one or two months ago) and I would like to know it.
gbytz said:
So if I'll buy one Pandora I need to know if I'll have to pay $330 + 40% in taxes or $330 + 90% in taxes + shipping charge.
90% tax!? :o

It's only 12% here in Canada, and 17.5% (I think?) in the UK. We consider those "high", but clearly neither is!

12% is low enough that I'll take a chance, but +50% isn't!
I exaggerate saying 90%, but for example here ( is a text which say, more or less, how to calculate the final price of things you buy from other countries (it is in spanish).
If you see the table you could see that for some Automotive products ("Automotor") you have to pay 67.5% of the declared value. Books ("Libros") has no taxes, Audio DVD ("DVD de Audio") 55.5%...

So, yeap is a sh*t living here and try to buy things abroad.

That's why I need to know how pandora will be declared at customs.
lingenfr said:
Best case they will declare it as a gift or as media.
And then, some day, somebody actually spot-checks one of the packages, which of course turns out to contain neither a gift nor media; so they will (best case) pay a major fine or (worse case) be taken to court for systematic customs tariff fraud. Brilliant plan!
Exactly. They can't afford to get done doing that. Even if they were willing (and they've already stated that they're not), a public forum would hardly be the place to discuss it...

If you live in a country that totally screws you for tax (like 50% or more), perhaps you should communicate with the team privately. They'll probably tell you no anyway, but whatever does get discussed will be between you and them. ;)
Kramy said:
It's only 12% here in Canada
Not quite. Yes, it's only 12% (6% - 15% actually, depending on province) but that's not on the price you pay, it's on the price customs decides you should have paid. I got dinged on that once, way back when. Bought a used Gamecube from The States for about half the price that used systems were going for here, and was charged duty on the going rate for a similar system in Canada. I still saved money, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped.
Point being that customs might look at it as a "netbook" like device, know nothing about the system or its specs, and simply lump it with the average going rate of $600 or so, rather than the listed price of $330.
Alternatively, whoever checks it in customs might consider that you can't get anything similar to it at any Canadian store, in which case there won't be an import tax at all. I'd be more inclined to believe the former than the latter, however.
Gruso I'm not asking to declare pandora as a different thing to pay less taxes, as a brazilian guy asked somewhere.
I would like to have my pandora in a legal way ^_^ but if I'll have to pay $330 + 70% then I would cancel my order.

I think as you that this maybe is not the best place to discuss it but I wrote to Jackelyn twice(I didn't keep sending mails to her because I know that I'm giving her extrawork) and she never answered me, so I opened this thread.

Thank you anyway.
Too bad it couldn't be declared a gift by a 3rd party who ships it because I'm getting kinda nervous about living here in USA right now... With all the crazy regulations, tax changes, discussion of a VAT, etc etc... They're starting to get desperate with taxes... It might end up being a really high % or something

Lol, how about this: some good guy living in UK could accept my money for how much it will cost for him to buy it including the shipping cost to send to me and then send it to me as a gift

But that's just going too far and would end up costing more most likely