How Qiuck Will The 3000 Sell Out?

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Still Fresh
Sep 27, 2008
Are we talking minutes, hours, days or weeks? I'm going to pre-order but probably a good few hours after the pre-order process goes live. Do you think there'll be any left by then?

Also, i know 30th Sept is the pre-order date, but is there an exact time? Even better, an exact time for someone based in the UK (probably 3am knowing our luck!!)

Many thanks!!

PS. Yes this is my first post, hello all :)
I'm sure someone here would beg to differ, but none of us can tell the future any better than you.

Edit: In before this gets locked ;)
Turnip said:
twelve days, four hours and twenty two min exactly
I knew I'd be proved wrong! :rolleyes:

Edit: Please PM me next weeks lottery numbers
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Just long enough so you think you have a chance, but short enough so that you really don't.
ashdjones said:
The truth is that nobody knows. Forecasts aren't perfect, just look at the stock market!
Heh, speaking of which, craigx should hire some of those wall street guys to work for him. I'm sure it would be a steal now. "I'll pay you minimum wage"; "Sure, considering I can't even get a job, I'll work for anything"; "Damn straight."
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My completely random guess is that the preorders should be around for about a week. However, I think the real fun will come after that, when it actually ships. In other words, good luck getting one from the 2nd batch. Or the 3rd, or 4th. :lol:

Sony will file for bankruptcy as PSP sales plummet. Microsoft will try to buy Openpandora and begin porting Vista to ARM. Nintendo will quickly swap the bottom screen to the top on the DS and replace the bottom one with a keyboard. And craigix, EvilDragon, MWeston, etc. will become international celebrities. :blink:

Edit: Grammar
Few hundreds max. But there is lot of ppl who are registred here and wont preorder.
You must be real enthusiast if you gonna buy something, that you never see in one piece and thats why pandora wont success on first batch. But its matter of opinion. Maybe somebody gonna call it „succes“. And maybe I'm completely wrong - you never know.
Im just interested in the Pandora for 4 months and i just registered on the forums here. But I don't need to see something in one piece to like it. I already liked the DS on the day nintendo announced it and I didnt even knew what it was going to be. I just learned about flashcards 1 year ago and since then i started to love homebrew and retro even more and more. I now even play daily on my Game & Watch donkey kong which my dad bought on the release date. ( I wasnt alive then XD.)
I dunno, all the media attention, flurry of users, etc., has got me worried.

I'm spending Sunday afternoon setting up my computer to alert me in all manner of ways of any new activity on the suspected sites for pre-ordering, e-mail, and even perhaps forum threads. I'm not going to be left out of this batch, not after a long painful year of waiting. :P

Edit: And for you folks worried about DoS'ing the site, I'm keeping my scripts to at least 120 second breaks, if not more. I recommend other similarly-minded people do the same.
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