How much should I tr yo sell this for? (some random ps2 games)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Just clearing out a drawer and thought these games could use a better home than mine; on the one hand, I could just give 'em away, but on the other,, hey maybe, I can get a free dinner out of this :P

If I sell this small lot of games in one shot, how much should I ask for it? In Canada, fwiw.

All games are working originals

- PS2: Zone of Enders The 2nd Runner

- PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Loberty (original Ps2 edition, not game of the year or whatever)

- PS2: Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (Greatest Hits edition)

- PS2: My Street

- PS2: Evil Dead A fistful of Boomstick

- PS2: Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land

- PS1 Atari Anniversary Edition Redux

- PS1 Magic the Gathering: Battlemage

Any idea?

yeah; some good stuff there, but its PS2 .. still, PS2s are still being sold by the shedload IIRC.. I'm not sure to who, but apparently they are :)


I still play mine. Perfect time to buy PS2 games because they're so cheap. I've bought loads over the last 12 months (haven't really got time to play them). I haven't upgraded to the latest generation of consoles yet. Might not even bother until the they have been replaced with the next generation. It's really not an issue unless you want to play online but I've not been bitten by that bug You don't miss what you've never had....
I didn't care so much for PS1/PS2 generation, though some good titles among the kruft; but I'm really digging this current gen (360) .. my daughter and I play way too much of the Lego games (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, you name it..), among Xbox live, retro and the big name games.

But at this point, having gone this far, I'd totally agree with you.. might as well wait a couple more years; theres a lot of good content now (and cheap), however.

We got the 360 not all that long ago, a couple years after launch, and I picked up some great stuff for nothing; Mass Effect 1 for $5 in the bargain bin. I mean, crazy :) But I'm mostly a PC gamer myself, but with the kid growing up, we play a lot of family multiplayer on the couch :)

Halo was a highlight on the original xbox though and some good stuff for the ps2 also.The 128 bit generation started with the dreamcast for me.No pop up, silky smooth and great graphics+amazing games.The ps1 felt old when the dreamcast arrived.Im an xbox 360 guy now though.Best selection of games compared to ps3 and the less said about the wii the better.