How much longer will 1Ghz Pandora's be available?


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2013
Hey ED, due to my little situation with paypal, It's possible that they may hold my money until June, which means i may have to wait until June to order my Pandora. But my question is, will they even be available in June? I've wanted a pandora for years and i was supposed to have finally ordered one yesterday, but i'm afraid that by the time i get my money back from paypal, it'll be too late. 
Damn Paypal!  I feel bad for you man!  But I think Ed will continue making them as long as demands are high, whatever that means :)
There are parts limits .. at which point when you run out, you need to order rediculous numbers to get another batch or redesign to use another part. As such, I really think there is a finite limit to how many Pandoras are to be made ..

ED will reply surely, but yeah .. there likely not going to be manuf'd forever!

Does that number include hardware upgrades (to 1 GHz)?
Hm. Maybe it is time to get the thumb out, as we say in Swedish...
So it turns out that they are only going to be holding my money for 45 days. It's still ridiculous, but i can deal with it.
Well, they decided to email me back and let me know that they changed their minds and are holding my money until june. yaaaay -_-
Well, they decided to email me back and let me know that they changed their minds and are holding my money until june. yaaaay
On the plus side, the Pyra will no doubt be released Two Months after the last Pandora is sold. So either you get a Pandora in June or you get a Pyra in August ;) (No serious)