How is yar's revenge comming along?


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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Just a polite question about the following OS version? How is work comming along for the next itteration. And how many updates are left for superzaxxon?

BTW I really enjoy my pandora daily and love to see the community still being at it... I still have silent hopes for pandora2 in the future but it is amazing how much improvement there has been especially seeing it from the start!
Progress is slow but there is always progress.

The major delays are the one-two punch of the upstream OE releases breaking and the urge to redesign all of the hacky code built around the current firmware into something clean.

Apparently we're moving to systemd and d-bus/udisk automount detection and a bunch of other interesting changes - they are trying to use the linux kernel userspace the way it was intended instead of haxx.
As always.. anyone who wants to put their hands in are welcome :)

The firmware people aere very few and far between, so .. given limited hands, there is limited movement at any given time.

For years we've always asked for more hands.. but given our population size, the number of peopel free within it, the number of people with the skills and desire --> very small number :(

[pandora owners] ∩ [people with an indepth understanding of Linux] ∩ [people with spare time]  ≈ ∅


binky ∉ [people with an indepth understanding of Linux]

:( :(

binky ∈ [people who like strange mathematical characters]

[people who like strange mathematical characters] ⊂ [irredeemable geeks]

∴ binky ∈ [irredeemable geeks]

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[pandora owners] ∩ [people with an indepth understanding of Linux] ∩ [people with spare time]  ≈ ∅


binky ∉ [people with an indepth understanding of Linux]

:( :(

binky ∈ [people who like strange mathematical characters]

[people who like strange mathematical characters] ⊂ [irredeemable geeks]

∴ binky ∈ [irredeemable geeks]

Seems logical
It will be interesting to play this game on something other than my old Atari 400 or Atari XE.  Very addicting game.
We're not talking about Yars the game!

Yar's Revenge is the nickname for the next version of the Pandora's firmware :)