New Fenix Beta Comments


Active Member
Sep 29, 2003
The new fenix beta port for the gp2x is great, as there were so many games made for div and fenix, all homebrew and original.

There are many games available in fenix format at
and at

I would suggest trying malvado, as it looks amazing.
All of the Nazca games are good to try, as they are creative, and very complete.
BangGP comes with the fenix beta, and as of now works ok, I think the new fenix beta is still a little slow, but comming along.

To install the fenix system, just copy the fenix folder anywhere on the gp2x.

Thanks for the port, puck2099
This one port has almost single handedly made my GP32 destined for my archive of old systems.... Well almost of course as there's still a few things the '2X dosent have but it's quickly being rectified. A slightly faster NES and SNES with sound and a few FW updates that arnt so buggy and the '32 ends up in the glass case.
Sadly it is still a bit slow, even slower as on the gp32 :( and my gp2x is still broken.

Puck should get in contact with Chui, maybe they can help each other to make this port better. Dunno If Chui already worked n his own port...

I'm sorry not posting here proper instructions and info, but I've finished working in Fenix at 3 a.m. and I was very tired to think in translating to English.

I'm quite busy now, but this night I will make a new thread where explain everything I can about Fenix.

I know it's slower than GP32's Fenix, but I'm working trying to improve the speed.

Finally, I tried to contact Chui before porting Fenix to avoid working both in the same project, but he didn't answer my mail... :(
I pm`ed him a few times too, asking about if he is already porting Fenix, but I got no answer. :(

It`s great to hear you are working on improving the port! Thanks a lot, Puck! :)

I'm sorry not posting here proper instructions and info, but I've finished working in Fenix at 3 a.m. and I was very tired to think in translating to English.

I'm quite busy now, but this night I will make a new thread where explain everything I can about Fenix.

I know it's slower than GP32's Fenix, but I'm working trying to improve the speed.

Finally, I tried to contact Chui before porting Fenix to avoid working both in the same project, but he didn't answer my mail... :(
You are now my lesbian lover... :S

Anyways, Chui was supposedly porting it, though no news has been heard for about 5 months or so
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I contacted Chui in December, he said he *might* have something ready around Christmas. I really think it could have been delayed by the development of the new Fenix language, although that is speculation.

What is sure is that he was definitely planning work on it last month.

I'd think waiting on a response would have been a good idea, good initiative anyway.

I just hope this doesn't discourage a decent Chui version, although as I said it is very likely he's delayed due to the new Fenix in the works.
Tried all games, not really worth uploading them yet onto the File Archive, as they aren't really playable.

As soon as a faster, good working Fenix is out, I'm gonna upload about 30 games packed up ready-to-play onto the gp2x File Archive :)
Tried all games, not really worth uploading them yet onto the File Archive, as they aren't really playable.

As soon as a faster, good working Fenix is out, I'm gonna upload about 30 games packed up ready-to-play onto the gp2x File Archive :)

EvilDragon, could you tell me the problems you have seen in all games you tried, please?

I'm trying to fix the problems, but it's difficult to do it without seen the games' source code in order to know what's doing exactly when it fails... :(

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I tried playing nazca dreams on the 2x but it is way too slow. It pauses for anywhere between 30-60 seconds if you try to jump.

The minigame project works pretty nicely and is very playable but I've never played it on the gp32 so I havent got anything to compare to yet. I havent found any way to exit out of it at the moment though except switching off the 2x
Tried all games, not really worth uploading them yet onto the File Archive, as they aren't really playable.

As soon as a faster, good working Fenix is out, I'm gonna upload about 30 games packed up ready-to-play onto the gp2x File Archive :)

EvilDragon, could you tell me the problems you have seen in all games you tried, please?

I'm trying to fix the problems, but it's difficult to do it without seen the games' source code in order to know what's doing exactly when it fails... :(


Well, I don't have the sourcecode myself... some games don't seem to start, a LOT of games hang when they should play a sound (try NazcaDreams, whenever you press the jump button, it hangs for five seconds before he jumps).

Rlyeh's MiniLib should work better than SDL, maybe you should try this.

Most games just run plain slow, but, well, that should be fixable :)

I can upload an archive with all GP32 Fenix games together with the startup scripts, if you want.
That's 100 MB...
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Im not experienced with fenix but heres my (amateur's) attempt at answerring your question.

The .dcb files are the fenix game files, all you need to do to get a fenix game running on the 2x is making a .gpe that says somnething like
cd runtime
./fxi ../juegos/FOLDER/GAMENAME.dcb
cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

juegos is the folder that the 2 example games were in so i just dragged my fenix games in there to keep it simple. To make a .gpe in windows DONT use wordpad, download programmers notepad (google it...its the first thing to come up, its free) and make sure you go to "tools>line endings>Unix(LF) or else the 2x wont like the .gpe file.

By the way, minigame project is killin it right now! Thanks quiest/everyone else who makes the minigames!
The only thing I hate about fenix is the no mp3 support... At least py has mp3 supprt :P But then again fenix is supposed to be easier :P ill try it out!