How Is The Gp2x Cradle?


DingooWiki Admin
Mar 26, 2007
Chicago, IL - USA
I was thinking about purchasing the GP2X Cradle.

Is it any good? Does it work well with gamepads? Would my Playstation 2 controller work with it via the USB adapter? What about XBOX 360 controllers via USB? Also, would plug and play Microsoft Sidewinder controllers work?

Does it come with a TV-Out cable?

What else is the cradle good for besides gamepads and TV-Out?
I'm not sure, but I think it works with ps2 (via an usb adapter) controllers. TV-out does not come with a cable, and if you need composite you'll have to buy a seperate s-video to composite adapter.

I recommend checking if the games you want to use support usb pads/tv-out because some don't support it.

The cradle is also good for external harddisk .

Some games I've played with tv-out & pads:
picodrive: Golden axe (2 players!), psycho pinball, Ecco
Wind&water (2 players!)

It's also possible to connect mouse&keyboard, quake supports that and scummvm supports mouse (marvellous for sam&max on f100 when whacking rats)
GPFce works,
every controller Ive plugged in works, including SIdeWinder, although W&W keeps freezing.... wierd
I can confirm the cradle works with the F200, as well as the PS2 dual shock2 gamepad through the smartjoy USB adapter. My xbox controllers are wireless =(

Cons so far:

-Weird noise on (internal) speakers when connecting USB devices. (this should not really matter if you use the audio RCA out cables... I just didn't bother yet)
- TV out is NOT to scale, at least not through my PC TV-In USB thingy... missing a couple line down and right, iirc.
- USB port not accessible when the F200 sits in the cradle
-The cradle doesn't come with a power adapter (although you don't need it that much) and doesn't power the GP2X (which is by design, but I was hoping otherwise... you can still use the GP2X's AC adapter without problem)

I have to find a serial cable to try and telnet into the '2X through that port.

I hope I can find a fix for the TV out, too...

- My hammerhead FX gamepad does not work
- Sterm keyboard support seems to suck =( (shift not working properly, nor do tab)
Since cradle owners happen to be responding here...

Can anyone draw me a sketch of the layout of the bottom of the cradle? Dimensions along with where all the ports are. I am interested in trying to get just the plastic part of the cradle and cramming my BoB in there. From photos it looks like most of the stuff would line up, meaning minimal dremel work, but I can't be sure they didn't scale the whole thing down by 1cm or something.

PS: If you have a scanner with a deep enough view, I could totally use a scanned picture of the bottom of the cradle. Given the rounded appearance, I think the ports would be visible as rectangular cutouts in that view. And scanners are nice at producing real-size images.
-Weird noise on (internal) speakers when connecting USB devices. (this should not really matter if you use the audio RCA out cables... I just didn't bother yet)
-The cradle doesn't come with a power adapter (although you don't need it that much) and doesn't power the GP2X (which is by design, but I was hoping otherwise... you can still use the GP2X's AC adapter without problem)

The whine is also there if you use the audio rca/headphone cables. I've read in an other forum that this can be fixed by using the cradle power adapter (I have not tried that).
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