How Is The Amiga On The Caanoo?

replicashooter said:
I want to play some Wizball on the go, how goes the Amiga scene on the Caanoo?


I'm not too sure about the Cannoo version but i'm pretty sure its mostly the same as the Wiz version. If I'm correct its pretty bare bones but very functional, most games work well and with vitual keyboard. Still its missing alot of functions that even the dingoo has like Save states, speed hacks and keymapping/keyboard to button bindings. Still it supports tv-out and I like it.

Just tried wizball and it works great :)
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Hey, i am a huge amiga fan and have my caanoo loaded up with a few thousand amiga games lol.

Uae4all caanoo is quite nice, most games play fine, not all are full speed but are close enough and playable(meaning scrolling isn't quite as smooth as a real amiga etc)! Sound is great!

Demos are not good though, disk accessing slows the emu and a lot of demos done this while the demo played.

But for amiga games, it's an impressive emulator once you set it up right! You will like:)

Superb, I'm going to have to scout around for one now.

Here's an idea, seeing as money is the biggest motivator on the planet why don't us old school Amiga heads get together a kitty of some type as a reward/bounty for any coder(s) that can bring 100% perfect Amiga emulation to the open format?

After all, if the ports thus far are doing so well then it must just be a case of optimization required?

Just a thought...
It seems to be very hard to code a very good Amiga emulator, with all its Blitter, Denise , Agnus, Paula and other custom chips.
Reesy stopped enhancing his UAE4ALL port for the Caanoo and I don't think that money would change his mind.
Akabei said:
It seems to be very hard to code a very good Amiga emulator, with all its Blitter, Denise , Agnus, Paula and other custom chips.
Reesy stopped enhancing his UAE4ALL port for the Caanoo and I don't think that money would change his mind.

Thats a damn shame, seeing as I can't code for toffee then that options out of the window to.

The only other idea I had was this:

Taking the minimig hardware
Making a custom PCB
Linking it to a 5 inch 4:3 display
Whacking it all in a case

Seeing as the minimig architecture is open source and there isn't much on the board I don't think it would be too hard to custom fab a PCB (or maybe adapt the retail one) in order to make it more conducive to a portable. Or failing that taking the bits and bobs and placing them within a netbook enclosure to create an Amiga laptop would be nice (connectivity of keyboard etc. would be a bit of headache but possible).
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Don't shoot me here(is quasist still banned?), but one of the very first intentions of the pandora was, to have a portable amiga. There are some more Amiga emulators with AGA and WHDload support for it, afaik, though I can't say, how good they work, as I don't own a pandora.

I don't own a netbook, but I think they are fast enough to run every game via WinUAE, or its Linux-pendant, in fullspeed. Maybe they are too slow for some of the latest demos, requiring a 68030 + coprocessor. This should be the cheapest way to get a fully working portable Amiga with keyboard and mouse.
Yup, but like many things in Pandoraland a lot was spoken of and not much was scene, if you know what I mean ;)

Netbook idea is more than possible, I suppose I'm just a modder at heart and like the old tweak and twist method or a nice all in one handheld.
this could also be your call:

I have been following it for a long time.
Progress goes on fine.

I´m still to try this caanoo amiga emu though...
erico said:
this could also be your call:

I have been following it for a long time.
Progress goes on fine.

I´m still to try this caanoo amiga emu though...
athe natami project looks cool.Theres also the fpgaarcade projectMy link
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That is awesome!

I wish I could know my ways around eletronics... :(
I bet you can also run coco computers or msx into it?

Keep it going!
erico said:
this could also be your call:

I have been following it for a long time.
Progress goes on fine.

I´m still to try this caanoo amiga emu though...

That is amazing.

wrath of khan said:
athe natami project looks cool.Theres also the fpgaarcade projectMy link

That is amazingerer.
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erico said:
That is awesome!

I wish I could know my ways around eletronics... :(
I bet you can also run coco computers or msx into it?

Keep it going!
This is not my project.I just posted the link because its something im interested in and because im a big amiga fan.
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There is not alot bells and whistles but as far as straight up emulation it works great, I know Wizball works great, as I tested it the first time you mentioned it. Name some other games and I can test them for you, Also if you wish (and if I get tommorrow off) I can maybe make a video for you..

Also I find the Amiga is one of the best looking emus on the Wiz's Oled screen.. The games look so nice..
LT- The games do look fantastic on the Wiz. I'm not really bothered about bells and whistles like savestates etc, just what something that emulates the Amiga with no frameskip. Some nice and smooth emulation. Games I remember from the past:

PP Hammer
Mad Professor Mariarti
Newzealand Story
Rainbow Islands
Supercars II
Xenon II
Operation Stealth

Are the ones that spring instantly to mind if you wouldn't mind testing them :D

erico- Are you saying you've got one for sale?
replicashooter said:
erico- Are you saying you've got one for sale?

oh no, sorry, I mean I got the idea that wrath of khan is not the owner of that amiga project.
Replyed too fast without quoting ;)

About amiga emu on caanoo, I have seen a video of it going Chaos Engine down youtube and it seemed to me to run perfectly.
Chaoes engine is one of my preferable titles...

Thinking on amiga emu, if I could just run stunt car racer and the hacked new tracks on the caanoo going with the g-sensor...I would cry sob sob.
I still didn´t try the emu myself though.
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Well I tried a few games for you..
pp hammer
Newzealand Story
Xenon II

All of them are playable but not all of them played at full speed with no frameskip.
So I guess I don't know what to say.. um it seems as though uae4all really pushes the Wiz to the limit but even still with a frameskip of auto or even 1 seem pretty smooth to me but I'm not too picky. I must say I am biased towards the Wiz but of all the Handhelds I own (Wiz, Dingoo, Caanoo, PSPgo) I think amiga emulation runs best on the Wiz but its not perfect..
LTStone said:
Well I tried a few games for you..
pp hammer
Newzealand Story
Xenon II

All of them are playable but not all of them played at full speed with no frameskip.
So I guess I don't know what to say.. um it seems as though uae4all really pushes the Wiz to the limit but even still with a frameskip of auto or even 1 seem pretty smooth to me but I'm not too picky. I must say I am biased towards the Wiz but of all the Handhelds I own (Wiz, Dingoo, Caanoo, PSPgo) I think amiga emulation runs best on the Wiz but its not perfect..

Thank you very much for that LT, I think I might just break out UAE on my netbook and see if I've got a joystick lying around.

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