A few people are thinking that multiplayer network gaming is only useful if you are in proximity of another GP2X user, this is not true.
If you have wireless access in your home with a wifi ADSL router you can connect to a central game server over the internet which can link you up with other players all over the world! Multiplayer quake anyone?
So why don't we create a multiplayer SNES network though USB on the gp2x (somewhat like zsnes' multiplayer compatibility?) I would love to play Secret Of Mana with a friend over the net.
So why don't we create a multiplayer SNES network though USB on the gp2x (somewhat like zsnes' multiplayer compatibility?) I would love to play Secret Of Mana with a friend over the net.
Yes, a very nice idea however... the GPH decided to use a USB2 chip what can not act as master... So no for a modem, a keyboard, a trackball... Unless by SDIO or Ext socket somewhat (or hadware modification of the GP2x).