Got mine verry stable at 1210 MHz opp3 on many test , at 1220 / 1230 MHz it becomes unstable and if i go higher the Pandora freezes.
Set to the Max opp5 does no effect on the Pandora , same thing at 1220/1230 MHz becomes unstable and higher it will freeze.
I found out if i set to opp5 via the Pandora Menu "CPU-Settings" , the File "cpu_opp_max" in
/proc/pandora/ is always set to "4" and not at "5" , the File Seems to be write protected for me.
Tryed "sudo mousepad cpu_opp_max" in the Terminal and changed it from "4" to "5" and saved the Config File.
After that it doesn't work , the File is always set to "4" inside there , it shows me only "3" or "4" that i have set over
the Pandora Menu , but never got "5" at opp5 by the Menu settings , (i'm using SuperZaxxonFinal 1.51) .
By the way 1210 MHz is realy much fast for me, and no need to overvolting the CPU ^_^