How Do You Save In Emulation?


Still Fresh
May 19, 2009
Climbing the tree of life.
I started a random game, and saved it. Followed the usual way to get it to save proper. Restarted the Wiz and the save was gone. Don't know how to make it solid. What is the exact way to get a save to stay, and how do you do save states? Help would be cool and act like you are trying to teach an idiot because I am apparently have earned the title... I have been messing with emul too long to be this dumb on this matter...
HeWhoCorrupts posted on May 19 2009 at 09:30 PM said:
I started a random game, and saved it. Followed the usual way to get it to save proper. Restarted the Wiz and the save was gone. Don't know how to make it solid. What is the exact way to get a save to stay, and how do you do save states? Help would be cool and act like you are trying to teach an idiot because I am apparently have earned the title... I have been messing with emul too long to be this dumb on this matter...
I don't know exactly, since it'll depend on the emulator you're using.. but what it's possible the emulator only writes back saves when you exit the game (or the emulator). If you can exit properly or load another game try that. Otherwise see if you can use savestates.
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HeWhoCorrupts posted on May 19 2009 at 04:17 PM said:
I was using both PocketSNES and Zsnes. Both will not save at all... How do you savestate?

I saved then exited, which is what I do in other system emulations.
How did you get znes to work on the wiz?
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