How do i set up Remote Administration?


Who knows?
Apr 27, 2011
Fargo, ND
I want to be able to control my Windows Vista Desktop with my pandora. I have gone to system properties and allowed Remote Desktop (computer>properties>remotedesktop>2nd button(less secure)) and have fiddled a bit with router settings and what not but am willing to do it just about any way.

What I've tried so far is (on my desktop) downloaded two different remote desktop applications (TightVNC and RDPDesk) and have no idea how to use them but after further googling it appears i shouldn't need any thing other than windows vista professional installed. On my pandora i have downloaded Remmina and played with the quick connect option a bit and think i almost got an RDP connection to work but i couldnt work out what the domain or server fields were :P I guessed the server was the windows name for my computer but i honestly have no idea about what the domain field is supposed to be.

Yes i did watch ED's video about remote administration but that's more of a demo as he doesn't go into explaining how to set it up.

Any help would be appreciated!
server would be computer name, domain is whatever your network domain is, try .local or .config, not sure what windows does with it, but you can explicitly set it in linux :)
non network related issue, but the quick connect window that pops up that i enter the server, username and whatnot into is too long to fit on my pandora's display, i cant see the connect, save, cancel, or whatever buttons... this happens in several programs.
the window is too long (the title bar is at the top and i can only drag it down, which is counter productive, left, or right) and the window is still too long, with the default panal at the bottom i can only see to the disable server input check box.
well i got the vnc connection working for now, thanks for the link to that other thread, but i am unable to save the connection because i cant see the save button :P but i am able to tab over to the buttons i cant see so maybe just some good old guess test and revise will work :P
the window is too long (the title bar is at the top and i can only drag it down, which is counter productive, left, or right) and the window is still too long, with the default panal at the bottom i can only see to the disable server input check box.
You don't have to drag from the title bar. ;) Drag the window from anywhere in the way that Alerino described - it will work fine.
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All i do is hold shift, place the stylus on the window, and drag right? cause that didnt seem to work, i also tried Lshoulder, and Shift + Lshoulder, so i just remapped the move command to ALT+m, Thanks for all your help though!
All i do is hold shift, place the stylus on the window, and drag right? cause that didnt seem to work, i also tried Lshoulder, and Shift + Lshoulder, so i just remapped the move command to ALT+m, Thanks for all your help though!

what i meant by that is, another button combination i tried was Lshoulder and the stylus, and for some reason it didn't work and still doesn't :huh: , so i found a workaround :P .