How do I load games in Easy RPG?


Nov 11, 2010
I've tried running several games of various sizes in Easy RPG and they either send me back to the desktop, or it says the database can't be found. The folders have Access databases in them. I put the RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 RTP folders in the directories mentioned on the repo, and also installed Timidity, and the FONT package in each game folder. Am I missing something? The games in question are "Super Mario: The Seven Sages", "Resident Evil RPG", and "Suito Homu". Super Mario and Sweet Home work on my Windows 7 PC, but not on my Pandora (OS 1.54).
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I don't mean to be sarcastic or insulting but aren't there many other emulators available for the Pandora that run those above mentioned games perfectly?

Please don't take my response the wrong way  ;)  
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Those are no emulated games, they are games made using the RPGMaker and the only tool that can run them on an open device is EasyRPG right now.
Maybe a very simple Solution for your Problem.

See that in no directoy Names are Spaces or Symbols.

And await not too much because its in Alpha Stage.

I tested yesterday some Games and most of them work but in every Game had i Errors.

Maybe i make a Video these Days;)