Home Made Flu


Apr 12, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Well I wqas looking at the website mashmods.com and i realied they have a front light for like every hand held except for the gp32. Is it physicalllly impossible or what? Im very confused.
The thing is, most of those systems' screens are about the same size. The GP's is about a centimeter taller and wider than the WS,GBA, etc making it hard to make a afterburner kit for a screen that size. Want a Front lit screen just buy a FLU :)
Well thats the thing rpgchocobo i already have a gp32. Unfortunatelt it is not an FlU because i did nat have enough money. Ihave hade my gp32 for about 9 months now and i just dont wanna shell out for a FLU thats why im looking into some kind of home made kit but my skills are very limited.
rpgchocobo posted on Mar 6 2004 at 08:42 PM said:
The thing is, most of those systems' screens are about the same size. The GP's is about a centimeter taller and wider than the WS,GBA, etc making it hard to make a afterburner kit for a screen that size. Want a Front lit screen just buy a FLU :)
Eh? No theyre not! The Neogeo pocket has a completely different sized and shaped screen than the wonderswan colour, for instance!
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coltxL2717 posted on Mar 6 2004 at 08:47 PM said:
Well thats the thing rpgchocobo i already have a gp32. Unfortunatelt it is not an FlU because i did nat have enough money. Ihave hade my gp32 for about 9 months now and i just dont wanna shell out for a FLU thats why im looking into some kind of home made kit but my skills are very limited.
I got a Non-FLU too, so I know what you mean. The screen is not that bad though.

mr twit- the ngpc is the system I forgot and the GBC. Well some of them do, so, I was have right about the systems! :P
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you could get a modded wormlight or get the mod from mashmods that plugs into the dc port and allows you to plug in a wormlight. or you could have apart a PDA with a screen the same size
Well, having a wormlight would be a quick fix but it is not very practical. You would always having to carry it around and such. Besides you get that white spot on the screen.

And about the PDA screens arn't those back lit. They would suck up battery life like crazy.
i got the best idea for a flu!

You take a mirror, cut it up, glue it on your GP32 *where the grey is around your screen* so it faces down, on each mirror, there is a small hole with a light in it, turn all the lights on.

Perfect Front Light Unit:D!

If you want a qaulity FLU, then buy one, or wait till MashMods or some other person knows what the flues are made of *in which means a flue will be broken somtime in the future*

I think some company already made a flu mod for the gp32 any links? *seen the site and some pictures*
Hahotec I think Makes the FLU, created that modual that plugs into the ext. port but they havent released it... I'm thinking it's another item designed to drop on the consumermarket when the GP launches in europe.
BAH, those are just afterburners put into different systems... no customizing, except for maybing making it smaller... frontlight guides are REALLY hard to make...

if it were easy for your average joe to make one, a kit would exist :rolleyes:
ThndrShk2k posted on Mar 6 2004 at 10:58 PM said:
i got the best idea for a flu!

You take a mirror, cut it up, glue it on your GP32 *where the grey is around your screen* so it faces down, on each mirror, there is a small hole with a light in it, turn all the lights on.

Perfect Front Light Unit:D!

If you want a qaulity FLU, then buy one, or wait till MashMods or some other person knows what the flues are made of *in which means a flue will be broken somtime in the future*

I think some company already made a flu mod for the gp32 any links? *seen the site and some pictures*
Thats actually quite a cool idea, if not a little bulky.
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Well, I'm going to try and get in contact with the guys at mashmods.com and see what the news is on a home made FLU kit. I also know the guys at gp32spain.com are working on one so I'll get in contact with them too. Hopefully we'll hear some good news :D .
Here are a few pictures i posted a while ago of nerd of nerds (got it right this time :D ) homemade flu he made from old pda screens. Just incase anyone missed them. And smaller this time. :P





nerd of nerds, Any chance of any info regarding the screens used, Or a few pics of the actual transplant. :rolleyes:

Enslaved posted on Mar 8 2004 at 02:25 AM said:
I dont think you can but I heard somewhere else you can get one for 40 USD
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