I Need A New Anti Reflective/ Flu Screen...

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
well, If youve read my old post, (the curious george one :P) you know that ive managed to bust my FLU screen, and yes I do mean the one that distributes light evenly across the screen. I am thinking I have 3 options...

1.) talk to the guys at GBAx.com and see about any extra BY ANY CHANCES screens they may have.

2.) Contact Gamepark staff themselves and ask about replacement parts.

3.) Send my GP32 to mashmods.com and see if they can work some magic on my precious baby.

Anybody here see any leads? Wish me luck? I never meant to hurt her... I love her...
Sorry to hear that. I broke my non-FLU last weekend (was pondering posting horror story photos :) but thought better of it). I'll be interested to see if there's an answer. I impulsively bought a FLU because I wanted one anyway, but I'd love to get the other one sorted. Good luck!
Spoke to gbax myself who were not much help, also emailed gamepark with no response, but -

Got a sheet of perpex from my local model shop so I can cut to size, and seeing someone tonight who has a roll of uv filter film, will test it and see what happens, will report back tomorrow.
Did you stick your GP in the freezer to see if that would help it over clock like that one guy did a few months back? :P :P :P :P
Ok, the film he had did not work, but, the place I work for has an account with RS, (www.rswww.com), take a look at item 590-913, what do you lot think?