hmc Hardware Hack #2: Hinge modification for laptop-like use

There are condiments for making violin pegs turn more smoothly but resistively.

I think called "peg compound".  Perhaps we could apply one of these or something similar,

to the Pandora's hinge for a sticky but smooth movement.

I'm not willing to make major modifications to the hinge.

The linked article also suggests soap, so maybe a bit of soap (which will dry) in the hinge

would be good to increase resistance while maintaining smooth movement.
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Interesting idea. However, my feeling is that when applying any lubricant to my hinge now, it wou'd become too sloppy. It is just right now.
Also, we should be careful with lubricants: Back then, when experimenting with different lubricants on the hinge of the HP 200LX, some people learned the hard way, that some lubricants, e.g. the famous WD40, would permanently damage the hinge by resolving the plastic of the hinge. Due to the very strong spring inside the 200LX hinge the hinge then suddenly sometimes "exploded". :-)
... "peg compound" ... soap ...
Interesting idea ... lubricants ...

These don't act as normal lubricants; the article I read was for violin pegs, which are pulled pretty hard by the strings.

It would be more like putting very fine sand in your hinge, I guess.

I don't have any peg compound, so I'll try the soap and let you know. I have spare Pandora, so no worries mate.  If soap makes it explode... well, I doubt it.
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