High Res Texture Packs In N64 Emu

@Exophase: I agree, there are far better things to work on. An interesting thing is that even seemingly normal n64 :P roms (Like texture translated OOT, not a separate pack, built into the rom) do not work in Daedalus. The OOT Master Quest rom ripped from the emulated gamecube version and the N64 DD rom of Uru Quest have the same problem.

I don't know exactly why this is, my guess would be that there are game specific hacks to get them running that do not work with these roms that have a slightly different header, as well as different offsets in the game. Maybe if I edit the header of the game to be the same as OOT...

@Atomicthumbs: Ok, line break. It was late, and I was tired. :P

You are right about using a separate hombrew game, although with the abundance of Quake III tools out there, we could even have a sort of "Super Pack", a patch that adds textures of anyone who submits a face texture, updated once a month or something.
palmertech said:
The OOT Master Quest rom ripped from the emulated gamecube version and the N64 DD rom of Uru Quest have the same problem.
If you can find the N64DD rom of Ura Zelda, then point me to it, because as far as I know, that rom was never leaked. And second of all, N64DD emulation isn't possible with any of the N64 emulators yet, is it?

-God Ginrai
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