Hex Editing .fxe's


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
i just need some help in what the topic says....

i want to edit clockspeed for some fxe's, but i'm making some mistake, i suppose.
i extract the .gxb from the .fxe using gpex.exe

and then? is the .gxb the file i need to hex-edit? i don't think so, because i cant find any of the given values:

MHz CPU Speed CPU Parameters
40 00 5A 62 02 - 12 00 02 00
40 00 5A 62 02 - 13 80 04 00
40 00 5A 62 02 - 11 C0 00 00
40 00 5A 62 02 - 10 20 00 00
50 80 F0 FA 02 - 12 A0 02 00
60 00 87 93 03 - 12 40 03 00
66 80 14 EF 03 - 12 A0 3A 00
66 80 14 EF 03 - 12 C0 07 00
70 80 1D 2C 04 - 12 E0 03 00
80 00 B4 C4 04 - 11 00 02 00
90 80 4A 5D 05 - 11 50 02 00
100 00 E1 F5 05 - 11 A0 02 00
110 80 77 8E 06 - 11 F0 02 00
120 00 0E 27 07 - 11 40 03 00
130 80 A4 BF 07 - 11 90 03 00
132 00 29 DE 07 - 11 A0 03 00
132 00 29 DE 07 - 10 90 01 00
132 00 29 DE 07 - 12 C0 07 00
133 40 6B ED 07 - 31 70 06 00
140 00 3B 58 08 - 10 B0 01 00
144 00 44 95 08 - 11 00 04 00
150 80 D1 F0 08 - 11 30 04 00
156 00 5F 4C 09 - 11 60 04 00
160 00 68 89 09 - 11 80 04 00
166 80 F5 E4 09 - 11 B0 04 00
168 00 7A 03 0A - 11 C0 04 00
172 00 83 40 0A - 11 E0 04 00
176 00 8C 7D 0A - 10 40 02 00
180 00 95 BA 0A - 10 50 02 00
188 00 A7 34 0B - 10 70 02 00
192 00 B0 71 0B - 10 80 02 00
200 00C2EB0B - 10A00200

i tried it with LJGP3204, which runs at 133MHz and with an already edited version of 156MHz.
what am i doing wrong? is the .gxb still compressed?
Da Great overclocker comes to your rescue :lol:

Just extracting the gxb from an fxe usualy doesn't work. The "problem" is mr.spivs b2fxec, which compresses the gxb and puts an uncompressed loader in front of it. What You need to do, is to load the fxe with geepee32 and dump the whole RAM (on start of the compressed fxe, geepee loads the uncompressed loader, which then extracts the compressed gxb to the RAM. the Loader then deletes itslef of the RAM.) and use gp32d (available at darkfaders site) to make an uncompressed fxe out of the RAM-dump.

and one thing: LJGP says it runs at 133. Well, it doesn't :). it runs at 132 MHz.
erm, i think I'm using 0.43. you have to go to view->Memory, select RAM in the drop down menu. then click on save, click OK 2 times, and enter dump.bin as a filename.

Then you execute the windows comandline (start->execute->cmd), then browse to the dir where you have gp32d.exe and dump.bin and enter the following:

gp32d dump.bin game.gxb

gp32d should then create a game.gxb file, which is the uncompressed program.
and pause the emulation at some point? random point?

ahh, just got it. and how can i make a .fxe back from the .gxb?
is there a gxb2fxe?

edit: ok, got everything.. using b2fxe
the GPD tool on darkfaders site has a readme that tells you to set the breakpoint in geepee32 to a certain address.