Burn Failure

finty101 posted on May 14 2004 at 12:35 PM said:
what the hell happened with your replys axeman?

is windows 2000 professional any good? i have heard good things about it.
If you want an NT variant, 2k is the best windows OS. XP is crap, slow, bloated, even 2k had more software compatiblity than XP. I have actually never heard anything really bad about win 2k, besides it being windows and all. :P

XP isnt faster, it isnt more compatible, it isnt smaller, it isnt more secure, it doesnt have anything that you cant get in any other OS except the nifty user switching. A lot of people are lured in by the eye candy and the fact that its "new", they can care less if its slower, they all have the same mindless zombie consumerism mentality its new it must be good! And a lot of people are too lazy to download updated drivers for their hardware, so they like the fact that xp includes more updated drivers than 98se does, for the simple fact that its a newer distribution, not because its any better.

And yes axeman it is XP thats causing the problems for my FPS, I had multiple testers, some wtih 98se, some with XP, all in the same range of specs, try it out and report their FPS, and their results were about the same ratio, twice as fast in 98se.

But lets not get into this argument, too many people, feel too strongly about this subject, his question was answered, ME is a bad os all arround, even most M$ Fanboys will tell you that, and Nero6 has plenty of issues with any OS. He should try nero 5.5.x and see if that works any better for him, or even Alcohol 120% If that doesnt solve your problem, it might be your drivers, or your OS, or possibly your writer could be going tits up.
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its only crap if you install it and leave it at that, if you spend some time setting it up and hacking it to death, its actually a fast, stable OS with few problems. Except for some very minor incompatibility problems (the only one I've ever experiened is GTA:VC won't run)
c0ncept posted on May 14 2004 at 08:13 PM said:
its only crap if you install it and leave it at that, if you spend some time setting it up and hacking it to death, its actually a fast, stable OS with few problems. Except for some very minor incompatibility problems (the only one I've ever experiened is GTA:VC won't run)
VC wont run? :lol: :lol: :lol:

it even runs on my computer with the hillibilly OS.
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c0ncept posted on May 14 2004 at 01:13 PM said:
its only crap if you install it and leave it at that, if you spend some time setting it up and hacking it to death, its actually a fast, stable OS with few problems. Except for some very minor incompatibility problems (the only one I've ever experiened is GTA:VC won't run)
And you can get that EXACT same thing in 98se with basically the same amount of work (but better compatiblity!). So really, XP doesnt offer much that you cant get in 98se except the title of being "new" which is what most people look for when buying software. It doesnt have to be faster, it doesnt have to be more compatible or stable, as long as it has that nice shinny "New!" sticker on it, well then its a sure sell!
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My XP machine is perfectly stable, with almost no problems on a P3 450mhz, 128mb ram. Turned off all the fancy graphics shite and everything works a treat.

I've only had one problem and that was due to PEBPAC (Problem Exists Between PC And Chair). I ended up losing a 4gb partition of roms and mp3s, but that was my own fault. After duplicating the error I realise my stupidity.


(Yes, I managed to do it again for all those that heard my whining on IRC a while back.)
Akuma no Houkon posted on May 14 2004 at 09:05 PM said:
And you can get that EXACT same thing in 98se with basically the same amount of work (but better compatiblity!).
But does Squidges GPDrive Work on 98??? ;)

Im sticking with XP Mainly because of all the drivers for things are almost already in XP and GPDrive Works on XP... and GPDrive kicks ass :D
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The only thing i find better about xp than the earlier ones is that gpdrive works properly.

98se was best but I think I'm going to stick with 2k seeing as gpdrive at least works partially.