Heretic2x Released

I find the defualt keymap very useable now that we can circle strafe, combo's would be nice, but not needed to complete the game.

Overall a good solid port, runs well @ 200mhz with a little slowdown in some areas, but playable throughout at least the shareware levels. I also missed out on Heritic, as I was too consumed with Doom at the time, what a shame! So thankyou for bringing this to the gp2x, I would have never known what I could have missed!

Now all I need is to find a supplier for the game, seems ebay have a few copies, but priced rather highly for a 13 year old game ;)
I just remembered why I never played much Heretic on PC -- it was the first game that gave me severe motion sickness. Should be much better on GP2X.
I just remembered why I never played much Heretic on PC -- it was the first game that gave me severe motion sickness. Should be much better on GP2X.
Found I'm still getting motion sickness from doom on the gp2x :(
It's got worse, I'm sure, as I've got older :o
Then again some games don't affect me - battlefield on the pc never had that effect.
Watching someone's screen whilst they're playing a 3d game is a cert to make me feel ill :(
It's bloody annoying! Guess it's best not to immerse yourself into the game too much.

Anyway, will install this soon and see how it goes - excellent work HEP for porting it!
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Since there are not enough keys to map everything could you make the mapping support combos? So now "start+ A" could bring up the map etc. You could define the keys in the config file.
You can use Run + Enter to change the item, so you have two more keys (the inventory keys) free for mapping. And don't forget about the joypad button.
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Since there are not enough keys to map everything could you make the mapping support combos? So now "start+ A" could bring up the map etc. You could define the keys in the config file.
You can use Run + Enter to change the item, so you have two more keys (the inventory keys) free for mapping. And don't forget about the joypad button.

Yeah it still would be nice to be able to add some more like map etc. to a combo. I noticed there were flying controls too. I don't know if those will be needed but if they are it could pose a problem later in the full game.
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The flying keys are not necessary to finish the game. This is because you can only fly for a certain time if you activate a special artifact. If you don't make use of the time you would be in a dead end, if it was required to proceed. On the other hand on a few occasions you need the flying ability to reach items, artifacts or a weapon. You still should have (using the combo mentioned in my previous post) enough keys to map all relevant game functions, but not for all extended functions (like mapzoom, followmode, gamma, etc.). So maybe keycombos will be available someday, but they have low priority for me at the moment, I'm afraid.
I recently managed to fix a bug that prevented me to compile the game with optimized code. Now that it works a noticeable faster version 0.5 is available in the archive. No other changes though.

Thanks to sbock for uploading it!

EDIT: Additionaly a version with music but no sound is available from my webspace, for those few of you who prefer music over sound fx.
HEP, replied to your PM. Hope I can help you overcome the sound+music bug. I'll take a look at things and help to my best ability, as it took some trickery to fix it on my end of things.