Here's my idea if anyone want's to take it and run


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2012
So I'm sure some of you saw my previous post. I've done quite a bit of research and while I think it can be done, it just requires experties that I don't have. But, I know there are plenty of people here that DO have them and I think maybe someone could take this idea and run with it.

So, basically the idea is this: Make a bluetooth relay box. You connect a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to the box's receiver and then connect the boxe's transmitter to an iPhone or iPad. Why those specific deivces? Because they're the only computers that for whatever retarded reason don't have mouse support. So, you may be wondering, how is this useful? Well, if you stuck as microcontroller in this bluetooth relay box, you could do two things. For they keyboard input, just pass along the data as normal, but for the mouse input, basically, take the mouse data stream as it comes in and "encode" it using unused keyboard keys. So, the iOS device would only be getting a rapid series of key values, not the actualy mosue data. This in turn could then be processed within apps as a mouse data stream and then could control a cursor within that app. Now, the cursor would not work on the home screen without jailbreaking, but, if the developer of this relay box made an Objective C/Swift API for free, they could convince popular app developers to support this mouse. The beauty of it all is that it should work with just about any mouse and keyboard.

So, if someone wants to take that and roll with it, be my guest. I've decided to pursue a different idea that I can do without requiring the assistence of others :)
please, moar threads!

Don't bother using old ones...
I don't think there would be much market for iOS devices to use a mouse; ie: you'd have to get a pile of apps to buy into it, to make it work. (You can't make the apps work without their all doing code.) Chicken and egg problem.

If it did start to work somehow, you'd get stomped by a company who makes BT mice/etc.

Don't think it'd fly :(
But but why does the selfiemachine needs a keyboard? It only takes one key to shoot a picture. Duh you ideas are dumb. 
Isn't there a strigoi thread for such diarrhea? :>
Isn't there a strigoi thread for such diarrhea? :>
People are actually very caustic and judgemental on this forum. Online message boards will never be pure places of efficiency! Don't get someone down becuase they want to share an idea in earnest and be open about it. Or even if people want to express themselves. Be accomodating! The world is a hard place and these barriers you're placing up built of unfriendliness don't help.
we're not caustic and judgmental, we just learned who EssoAir portrays himself to be over his time spent here, and treat him accordingly.
People are actually very caustic and judgemental on this forum. Online message boards will never be pure places of efficiency! Don't get someone down becuase they want to share an idea in earnest and be open about it. Or even if people want to express themselves. Be accomodating! The world is a hard place and these barriers you're placing up built of unfriendliness don't help.
Uh! And we are earnest and open about our comments too.  We are not here to make people happy.  We tell how we think just like EssoAir tells how he thinks.  If we see/think something is not working, we will say it won't work.  Do you expect us to cheat ourselves and say that it wil work?  Do you expect us to tell him "jumping a cliff" is safe becuase that's accommodating?   ;)
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Throw a pack of cash in my direction and ill start to want it...
But but why does the selfiemachine needs a keyboard? It only takes one key to shoot a picture. Duh you ideas are dumb.
As far as I see all around, it also needs a "selfie stick"... O_o