

GP Guru Wannabe
Mar 8, 2003
When i put roms on the emu it doesnt seem to find them ive put them in the atari st sub folder in the gpmm but when it trys to load them the gp32 reboots ive read the read me and it says:

1) Create ATARIST directory in GPMM; gp:\GPMM\ATARIST is the full path

2) Find yourself a TOS ROM image file; it might be called TOS_102.IMG,
or ROM, or TOS.ROM or whatever. Make sure its installed as TOS.IMG (thats
what Castaway/GP looks for!) (You can use other .IMG names, but then you'll
have to select them in the menu each time)
3) Copy castaway.fxe into GPMM so you can run it
4) Install any disk images you want; they must end in 3 characters, and not
.IMG. Try .STT for example, or whatever you want. You must have at least
2 disk images, and the first two should be DISKA.STT and DISKB.STT (the
defaults searched for if you don't select any at runtime)

5) Optionally install STGAMES.TXT into your ATARIST directory
6) Optionally cartridg.img into ATARIST directory
7) Optionally copy diska.stt and diskb.stt into ATARIST directory

DISKA.STT and DISKB.STT are dummies that don't have much useful stuff, but
they do boot to the desktop so you can screw around.

I only understand up to the first point everything else may as well be in a different language please help me
1) Create ATARIST directory in GPMM; gp:\GPMM\ATARIST is the full path

Okay you seem to have this one sussed

2) Find yourself a TOS ROM image file; it might be called TOS_102.IMG,
or ROM, or TOS.ROM or whatever. Make sure its installed as TOS.IMG (thats
what Castaway/GP looks for!) (You can use other .IMG names, but then you'll
have to select them in the menu each time)

The TOS.ROM file is basically the Atari ST's operating system, similar to windows on PC etc.

Check out this post from this very site

3) Copy castaway.fxe into GPMM so you can run it

Castaway.fxe is the emulator, this is what you'll download, extract this from the downloaded zip file and place it in the GPMM directory with PC-Link or a card reader

4) Install any disk images you want; they must end in 3 characters, and not
.IMG. Try .STT for example, or whatever you want. You must have at least
2 disk images, and the first two should be DISKA.STT and DISKB.STT (the
defaults searched for if you don't select any at runtime)

Disk images are what the uninformed would call ROMS, they aren't ROMS as the Atari ST games came on Single Density Floppy Disks, a disk image is a PC copy of these disks. Use the link above for more of these.

5) Optionally install STGAMES.TXT into your ATARIST directory

This is used to discover what games can be found in the disk images (often more than one game is on the disk. And the disks are often not very intuitively named. EG - A_002.ST. Again this file can be found in the downloaded zip file.

6) Optionally cartridg.img into ATARIST directory

No need to do this but the cartridg.img file is in the downloaded zip file

7) Optionally copy diska.stt and diskb.stt into ATARIST directory

DISKA.STT and DISKB.STT are dummies that don't have much useful stuff, but
they do boot to the desktop so you can screw around.

To make sure place the two DISKA.STT and DISKB.STT files that are in the downloaded zip file in the GPMM\ATARIST folder you made at step one

Hope this helps

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Hi yes that helps thanks alot although i can only get as far as the operating system i still cant work out how to get the roms to load
johnno15 posted on May 19 2003 said:
Hi yes that helps thanks alot although i can only get as far as the operating system i still cant work out how to get the roms to load
insert the disc into drive A: by pressing button A on the disc image you would like. then press START to run the emulator.
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Version 10 or 10.1 will also stop and say "woa down, you're missing your TOS.IMG" if it can't find it. So that will help tell you whats missing. You need to have gp:\GPMM\ATARIST\TOS.IMG, or else you need to pick another TOs image every time you launch the emu.
