Help Needed Replicating Success Of Openpandora For A Netbook/laptop

Cracker Jacker said:
I fear you may be one of those poor souls that believe everything they watch on the web.
You of course being in the diametrically opposed group; the ones that think if it's on the internet, it must be untrue. By the way dude, World War 2 never happened
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Cracker Jacker said:
Where is this overwhelming evidence? The internet? Some videos posted online by people I don't know on some site with a statistically insignificant subscriber base? That's overwhelming? Get a review (not just a post) on Engadget or PC magazine or some other vetted but not invested party, then you might have some "evidence". I fear you may be one of those poor souls that believe everything they watch on the web. Did you know that you can install Windows Phone 7 OS (that is still alpha and unreleased) on an HTC Touch Diamond. Totally man, check out this vid
I've held a prototype, played with it, seen first hand that they exist, as have several other members of the board. Are you calling me a liar?
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Cracker Jacker said:
Where is this overwhelming evidence? The internet? Some videos posted online by people I don't know on some site with a statistically insignificant subscriber base? That's overwhelming? Get a review (not just a post) on Engadget or PC magazine or some other vetted but not invested party, then you might have some "evidence". I fear you may be one of those poor souls that believe everything they watch on the web. Did you know that you can install Windows Phone 7 OS (that is still alpha and unreleased) on an HTC Touch Diamond. Totally man, check out this vid

Okay, since you're so sure, I'll bet you $25,000 that within the end of the year I can show you to your face one of the units you think is fake. Actually, with stakes like those I could most likely arrange something by the end of April. I can meet you in person first to sign any legally binding materials you'd like.

Of course, since you're just some poor kid whom I'd never actually receive money from I think I wouldn't actually bother.

I encounter hoaxes all the time (especially with emulators), and what always amazes me is the way people tend to respond to them. Many either believe everything they see, or like you, reject things on an emotional basis. Spending a small amount of cognitive effort on actually evaluating the evidence at hand would be much smarter than just saying "well, someone else did something unlikely once" or "but I was fooled this one time." If you want to protect yourself then inform yourself.

That you compare a fake of Windows 7 on a phone to the Pandora being faked shows that you're critically uninformed, and technically ignorant. Pandora is a hardware platform, that has now been presented and accounted for dozens of times by many different people, several of whom have a great deal of credibility due to offering numerous contributions to this scene. What you're suggesting is that not only have expensive to manufacture physical materials (boards, case components, buttons, etc) have been convincingly photoshopped hundreds of times, but that every last person who has claimed to see or use any of this hardware is a liar. This doesn't really sound like a scam so much as it does a gross conspiracy. Do you really think that out of all the people who have developed software largely for free there is not one who would be unwilling to comply with this scam and blow the whistle on OP's offers? Or do you think that some meager cut of a $1m pot is that alluring?

Comparing Pandora to those Youtube hoaxes is a joke. These hoaxes are conceptually simple, what you have in mind is a logistic nightmare that a total mastermind would never be able to pull off, and I doubt you'll find any documented evidence that anyone has ever pulled anything even close to what you're saying. Your hoax concept is less like that youtube hoax and more like saying that the HTC Touch Diamond never existed at all.

I would address that, but it appears to be an incomplete thought comprised of two sentence fragments conjoined in an unmeaningfull way.

I have a feeling a lot of things appear wrong to you. If you're going to criticize someone's correct grammar at least try not to do it using multiple made up words.
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Exophase said:
Comparing Pandora to those Youtube hoaxes is a joke. These hoaxes are conceptually simple, what you have in mind is a logistic nightmare that a total mastermind would never be able to pull off, and I doubt you'll find any documented evidence that anyone has ever pulled anything even close to what you're saying. Your hoax concept is less like that youtube hoax and more like saying that the HTC Touch Diamond never existed at all.

If people can believe that the moon landings are a hoax, believing that the Pandora is a hoax is not much of a stretch. Unfortunately some people have never seen what extremes of achievement individuals or small highly motivated groups can reach. As such they automatically lash out at a project that is so far out of their personal experience that to *them* it looks like a hoax.
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hdonk said:
If people can believe that the moon landings are a hoax, believing that the Pandora is a hoax is not much of a stretch.
The moon landing was a hoax. You're all just sheeple. Just have a look at the tapes again. That's right, there's no sound from the engines, and it's in space of all places. In space there's no air to obstruct so all sound should be extremely loud!

I want an estimate pricing/assessment of a tablet type screen. That is to say, is it feasible to have a screen than can twist and turn, flip over and be used as a tablet? I've always wanted one but I've no idea how feasible it is.
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zhasha said:
You of course being in the diametrically opposed group; the ones that think if it's on the internet, it must be untrue. By the way dude, World War 2 never happened http://en.wikipedia....iki/World_war_2

I was thinking exactly that when I read his first post. The whole "everything on the internet is true" gag is a lot like the popular "internet is serious business" one.

Believing nothing on the internet is true and nothing on the internet should be taken seriously are just defense mechanisms and rationalizations.
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hdonk said:
If people can believe that the moon landings are a hoax, believing that the Pandora is a hoax is not much of a stretch.
To be fair, there is enough evidence that a person could actually logic their way to proving the moon landing might have been a hoax. It falls apart eventually, but at least there are steps a sane person could start to follow to understand why someone might think it's a hoax.
Here, we have someone claiming it's a hoax based entirely on the premise that the videos are fake.
Next, I will prove that a circle is round by drawing one with a cup!
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zhasha said:
The moon landing was a hoax. You're all just sheeple. Just have a look at the tapes again. That's right, there's no sound from the engines, and it's in space of all places. In space there's no air to obstruct so all sound should be extremely loud!

Absolutely spiffing old chap..
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And here I was really enjoying reading through the thorough estimates lkcl had come up with until this guy showed up. I'm hoping you haven't abandoned us because of our good (read: paranoid) friend.
In hoping you haven't forsaken us, I'd like to quote my own post as it wasn't all that obvious that it actually contained something relevant to the topic:
I want an estimate pricing/assessment of a tablet type screen. That is to say, is it feasible to have a screen than can twist and turn, flip over and be used as a tablet? I've always wanted one but I've no idea how feasible it is.
I'm still very much interested in that site you proposed to set up. Would you kindly give a guesstimate on the feasibility of a twisting screen? If it's way out of range for whatever reason, don't bother with it. It's just something I would very much like to have, but not a necessity.


  • trollercoaster.jpg
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zhasha said:


*picture saved for further use...* nice one :)


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zhasha said:
And here I was really enjoying reading through the thorough estimates lkcl had come up with until this guy showed up. I'm hoping you haven't abandoned us because of our good (read: paranoid) friend.
+1 to this. I still want an ARM-based laptop, and I will be continuing to follow this thread with interest.
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WizardStan said:
I've held a prototype, played with it, seen first hand that they exist, as have several other members of the board. Are you calling me a liar?

I don't “know” who or what you are. From my perspective, you’re just some text showing up on my screen. You could be a person or a group of people or even a bot. My trust in you exists so long as you don't ask me to do something that would affect me negatively or make statements that I know to be untrue. Since I can't confirm your identity, I can’t assign any trust I have in you to another party like the OP team. You’re both in the same boat. I don't know either of you or your intentions.
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^ Dear Cracker Jacker,

it would be really great if you could stop pushing the scam sidetopic further, as we would like to continue discussing ARM netbooks.

Thanks in advance :)
Well, if that's a bot, then "Dear bot, please let me present you for the next Turing test as my submission." You'll be the next winning entry :D

EDIT: Sorry mali if I went off-topic again but speaking and texting bots are my friends. I'm going to make my Pandora speak to me when I'm lonely :)

EDIT 2: That's it Wizardstan, keep him talking on the line just a bit more. The ip trace will soon be finished. We're gonna have his exact location in less than a minute. He must not hang up before 7....6...5.....4....3....2.....1.....GOT HIM! I'll pm you his location in a sec. ;)
Cracker Jacker said:
WizardStan said:
I've held a prototype, played with it, seen first hand that they exist, as have several other members of the board. Are you calling me a liar?

I don't “know” who or what you are. From my perspective, you’re just some text showing up on my screen. You could be a person or a group of people or even a bot. My trust in you exists so long as you don't ask me to do something that would affect me negatively or make statements that I know to be untrue. Since I can't confirm your identity, I can’t assign any trust I have in you to another party like the OP team. You’re both in the same boat. I don't know either of you or your intentions.
That doesn't answer the question. Are you saying, with absolute confidence, that I am a liar?
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WizardStan said:
That doesn't answer the question. Are you saying, with absolute confidence, that I am a liar?

It actually does answer your question. I don't know who or what you are. I can't make any statment, with any degree of confidence, about your intentions or trustability.
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Cracker Jacker said:
WizardStan said:
That doesn't answer the question. Are you saying, with absolute confidence, that I am a liar?

It actually does answer your question. I don't know who or what you are. I can't make any statment, with any degree of confidence, about your intentions or trustability.

yeah and we're all inside the matrix!! ;)
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I totally would do that for you, BUT these sheeple apparently love a good Troller Coaster ride.

Thank you for asking nicely. I tell you what. If they drop it, so will I. ;)
I think it might be the lack of new info what's driving some of you to post. Just a question: Do you realize that you are feeding a troll and at the same time pollute a thread that was interesting before? Just a thought, step back and think before posting ;)

Ninja'd... more or less.