Help Me With Flashing Questions...


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
well I have some questions
I searched the forum for Firmware and could'nt find a damn thing on how to flash my firmware. So I read random things and still couldn't figure it out so...

1. Could anyone tell me how to flash my Firmware?
2. What firmware should I use to boot to Windups 1.0 directly at powerup?
3. Where to get the above
4. How long will it take to flash above to my gp32?
5. Will Flashing my GP32 completly erase the SMC?
6. If I keep normal batteries in, how long will flashing it take?
7. What happens if something goes wrong? what do I do?
8. How do I make a backround in Wind-Ups?


THX in advance
1. Go here and download this.
Run the .fxe and and follow the instructions that will be displayed.
2. MultiFW2
3. Read 1.
4. Less than a minute
5. No
6. Less than a minute
7. Um...I don't know. Where did you buy your GP32?
MultiFW2 comes with the small version of Wind-Ups, do download the bigger version afterwards from the official website for Wind-Ups.

BTW, I recommend that you use YAFL instead, it's a lot better.
thats done
now one question....
is ther any differance between the windups on that firmware and the one that was just released ( 1.0 ) and if there is, what
and if what is a good and imoprtant thing, how do i upgrade the wind-ups version?

not really (I havent found any), to upgrade
2. Any but you will have to use pac rom bootup as there is no firmware that contains Windups 1.0
Yafl is great if yuo have lots of programs, I tend to use it as a start button in windups :P
hit a problem
The link program in the included wind-ups wont work... dont know why
however, have beenable to go through my fxe of windups i have of 1.0 laying on the smc and it works, so ho do i get the one in the windups i auto-boot to to work?
help plz

Which firmware are you using? If you are using aquafishes, then use the GPbootconf.exe to make an ini file to boot up the fxe. If MFW2, then hold select as you turn on your GP32 and press B on pacrom (i think) and have it auto boot the fxe.
well, i have it auto boot the file for the windups program...
however, the link thing they provide dosn't work
well, where can I find the link program that is used in windups v1.0?

tbh, all the free ones are really, really bad compared to gpcinema, no sound can buy gpcinema now (£5 or $7 approx) or wait until it becomes free.