Help Me Start Using My Gp32 Again


Hello, it was a long time ago i posted here. Well, since i got my Nintendo DS I haven't touched my GP32 (about 2 months) but I really dont want it to lay down and collect dust.

So, can someone tell me some great games,roms etc. I maybe have missed something new when I was gone. Anything that will make me use it more will be appriciated :D
Take off and go round the world. The GP32 is the perfect companion. Just the other day I swapped out a copy of Pirates of the Carribean for Platoon on one of my SMCs (from my 20GB MP3 player). Now I don't have to worry about crap films on flights anymore. :)
Well as you probably know, Reesy is workin on OSNES. Lets see, Interlogic was ported along with ScorchedGP, Duke Nukem and YetiPro. Theres more in the news, etc or maybe you should check the latest files.