I Want To Get Back Into My Gp32...


Mar 1, 2004
I haven't been around here for a while and indeed haven't touched my GP32 this year, I'm wanting to get back into it though, so some questions-

1: A personal question. Should I totally erase everything and start anew or put new stuff on as I used to do picking and choosing?
2: What major developments have there been in the past few months? GBA emulation getting any good? Any good original games? Mega Drive perfect yet?
3: Everyone else still here and it was just me who vanished or...not?
1. yes, it would be a good idea :D

2. GBA - not perfet, being worked on.

Megadrive - perfecto

3. Everyones still here :D
MAME is really great.

fDay is comming

SNES still bites w/sound

Megadrive is full speed w/sound
Try my minigame project... or any other entry in the gbax 2005 compo :D

Look for the link in the news :)
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yeah, it just reminded me that people wanted to have the PS1 emulator for the GP32 to show people that the GP32 can run PS1 even if it is .2 frames per second. Me, i'd rather put a video on GPCinema of a PS2 or XBOX game running and tell them that its an actual game.
I remember you...
damn right you want to get back into your gp32...
Everone has mentioned most of what is new...
There is a preview of the f-day.. which contains betas of fmsx,fcol,fgb and fzx... There all very good..
DRMD rocks.. Megadrive emulation is now excellent... although some games dont work... lots work very, very well!
Dont remeber when you left but there are some excellent homebrew titles like Smashgp and Lacuna..and alot more that i cant remember...
I also got tired of mine but then i started to play harvest moon 2 on fgb and now i can't stop :)
I'm stunned that he hasnt touched his GP32 in a year anyway.

A lot of the MAME games work very well, as others have said DrMD runs a lot of megadrive games very well.

If someone has gone through every single GB, GBC, Speccy, C64, Atari ST, Colecovision, MSX, Master System, NES, Megadrive, Atari 800 (and a few others) roms then i could understand.

But for each system theres a ton of games out there to try.

Yes some may have pretty poor graphics compared to games nowadays but so many games are playable and will have you itching for one more go etc.

To me its all about playability, thats why i'm still playing 20 year old roms instead of a new PSX2 game.

Many classics out there and i cant see how someone could get bored, even if a new emulator isnt released for 6 months theres a wealth of roms out there for me to try on the emulators we currently have
I don't trust those easy to make coding things. They always turn out to be hard (the one from last years contest, vns, etc...).
I'll be starting my degree next year so should learn some code eventually, it will be too late for the gp32 though...probally.