Help Me Remember The Name Of This Scifi Film!


Founder of the WarmFluffyUK fan club
Dec 2, 2005
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I've been trying to remember the name of a film I saw years ago. I remember having a bit of a search for it a couple of years ago, but didn't get very far. I then got reminded of it last night and have started searching again. I've been all over IMDB, but so far haven't found anything.
Here is what I can remember:
  • I'm pretty sure it was made in the 80's, although it could have been v early 90's or possibly late 70's
  • Set on a spaceship in deep space
  • No planetary contact as far as I remember
  • No aliens, as far as I remember
  • The main thing I remember.. Somebody was outside the ship in a spacesuit and something happens, which made their suit decompress and their head exploded (with blood all over the visor)
  • I think something happened inside the ship, which made one of the corridors inaccessible and the doors on either end had to be locked

During my searches I've found a couple of other people looking for what sounds like the same film:
The guy one this site specifically remembers the head explosion -
The person on this page provides the most detail, all of which I think I remember in the film -
A few years back I managed to watch a sci-fi film on TV twice without catching the title, it was terrible but it's been bugging me. I think it was made in either the 80s or early 90s. There was a group of people on a spaceship that was headed out to help a colony (I think), something went wrong with the spaceship and the captain abandoned ship leaving his crew to die. Back on Earth the captain was saying he was the only survivor and talking about his heroic escape whilst his crew watch on the news. They had to decide what to do as oxygen was low (or something), the female second in command had a dog, there was a wise-ass character, a knowledgeable engineer and a young female cadet. Can't remember much more but I remember that the young female cadet's head explodes when her space suit gets a rip in it whilst repairing something outside the ship. Also the wise-ass guy watches little virtual hula girls in his cabin, the second in command commits suicide with her dog... eventually all that's left is the wise-ass character who saves himself by getting into a cryogenic frozen coffin.
If you have any idea what this film is I'd be eternally grateful.

A few films people have suggested from what I remember, which it definitely isn't:
  • Event Horizon
  • Galaxy of Terror
  • Alien(s)
  • Outland
  • Saturn 3

Any help greatly appreciated!

Edit: I don't believe this.. After spending all this time searching for it, then making this thread, I suddenly find it. I think it was called "Trapped in Space", found via, & Now to find a copy of it :P
Glad you found it. One suggestion though, the best space film of all time is "Dark Star", hands-down. Try it :D
mali said:
Glad you found it. One suggestion though, the best space film of all time is "Dark Star", hands-down. Try it :D

Dark Star is a weird and interesting film but it's not the best of all time by any stretch.
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I like that kind of humor so much. It's pretty good for a 1974 movie :D
Ok, post your counterproposal :)
Thanks for the tip on that film. Lemme know if you think of any other space films, I've got a bit of a thirst for them. I know that the film I had been trying to find is a bit crappy, but it'd been doing my head in not being able to remember it :P
Sphinxter said:
Green Slime
WOW, like the cheesy trailer.
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mali said:
Tag5 said:
Sphinxter said:
Green Slime
WOW, like the cheesy trailer.


Caught the matinee at the bijou theater in Bowie Texas then traveled to California and was surprised no one had ever heard of it, the release was very limited, was in somekindofvision, was cool like they had tentacles draped over the candy counter, rolled out a big blinking eyed monster and some fog in the lobby for intermission after you'd seen the slime. Was just a kid and it was a really, really good time.
Not quite the same but it's still pretty good. Ahh the music.
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