PAC-MAN The Movie (Fan Film)


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
My attention was just brought to a fantastic fan-made short film (sadly, it is short, and there isn't any more of it :( ), that attempts to show how the abstract design behind the game Pac-Man (it's capitalised for a reason in the short's title, as you'll see if you watch it) would work as the basis for a live-action film;

The short is displayed above, and more information is available at its official website,
production is great... but I probably would have went another direction with it.. like with the mario brothers live action movie.. symbolism rather than a cgi pacman...

still pretty neat though
Niiice :)

I'm totally trying to find a place thats showing that crazy movie about DDR.. the FPor something?

WizStan -- any chance you've found that somewhere? I'd pay good money to be brainwashed by those people :)


edit: ah good, they fimnally got it up for pre-order .. "Pussy Bitch Kit" ftw :P
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Cool as a demo but it'd be pretty awful as a feature length movie IMO.. since the writing is ridiculous and the acting is terrible. Neat effects though ;p
Who here watches Syfy, by the way? As a feature-lengther, this would fit the channel like a glove.
Who here watches Syfy, by the way?
I've tried my level best not to ever since they stopped showing stuff I actually want to watch and started showing nothing but dire movies that would have been likely candidates to appear on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, had Sci-Fi UK not stopped showing it. ;) The name change only cemented that this was a good idea. :P