Does Anyone Remember This Game?


Heroic Autobot
Feb 3, 2004
New York
I dont have any pictures but it was a game someone had started building a while back, maybe 2003? It was specifically a sprite based side scrolling game I remember some of the screen shots showed sprite rips from games like Disney's Alladin and a few other games. It was kinda like a BoR mod but I believe it was an original engine. I recall that at a certain point they got a cease and desist letter and decided to stop work on the game but before they did they released a trailer for it on line and posted what they had finished of the game for download (it was maybe 25mb I think? maybe more though) I just remember downloading the game at work a long time ago and I was going to bring it home and try it out but Something happened, like a hard drive failure or maybe it was one of those unreliable Zip disks that stopped working and I never got a chance to install it.

Anyone remember the name of that game? I've been searching for like 2 or 3 hours and can't find a mention of it anywhere and it's driving me nuts, like a song you can't get out of your head. I do not believe it's "Kingdom Hearts: Inverse Hearts" or the RPG maker one as they both look primitive compared to the game I remember..
I think I remember reading about it, I don't remember where to find it though.
On another note, it reminds me of an attempt to make a new Chrono Cross...
Jourdy288 said:
I think I remember reading about it, I don't remember where to find it though.
On another note, it reminds me of an attempt to make a new Chrono Cross...

Yeah IGN had an article (or maybe linked to someonelse's) listing fan mad games and their progress. I think the Crono sequel was crushed by a Squeenix cease and desist. But the Kingdom Hearts game I dont think ever appears on any of these fan game lists and I feel like if I could just remember the name I could either find it on the net or maybe atleast find a copy of it in my own files.
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Remember one called Sora's Adventure but think it was a wip PSP project - have a google.

If you want another remake check out

sataniC Virus said:
Remember one called Sora's Adventure but think it was a wip PSP project - have a google.

If you want another remake check out


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