Help Buying A Gp32


Still Fresh
Feb 7, 2005
I've recently been looking in to buying a GP32; they look like the best thing that's happened to portable gaming in a while. I've done as much research as I can but I'm still stuck on some questions.
Should I get a FLU or a BLU?
As far as I can see, the benefits of the BLU is that it would be brighter, and easier to view as it's backlit BUT I've heard that a lot of things aren't compatible with it...

Are there any connectivity problems with Mac OS X?
Is there transfer software that I have to buy or can I put things straight on to the card..

Finally I've head talk on some sites about firmware upgrades, if buying second hand should I look at what firmware the GP32 has?

Actually one more thing... I've noticed that there are a few apps that can play DivX on the GP32 is it possible to fit a full length movie on to 128/256mb? Is there a good compression app you can get?

Thanks! ^__^
well, I can help ya in the movie department!
1. compresion app = virtual dub
2. GP can only use 128 meg SMC cards, giving you about 122 megs of space
3. Yes, you can, read around in the GPCinema for what others and I have found and you can pick settings that you will like
4. Currently, I get 1 1/2 hour movies onto the SMC with some space to spare

hmm.. on to other ??'s
1. MAc eh?? theres a MAC link tool somewhere in the beta test section...
2. Firmware, just have to turn it on, see what ya see, and tell us, andwell take it from there
3. Yes, you have the FLU/BLU thing nailed, unless you get an origional BLU, not what some are calling the BLU+ , ask the guy you are buying it off of about when he bought it himself

( always helpful )

Thanks for the quick response!
Do you know where I could get hold of an original BLU?
If you are going to buy used ( ebay or our market place are your best bet )
ask the person if its an origional or not
then, if its an orrigional one, its just as good as the FLU, but with better screen!

( I would get one, but Im saving up for something... whatever the next uber handheld is... )
that, and getting SLI up and running in my computer he he he

applerocks posted on Feb 7 2005 at 01:15 AM said:
I've recently been looking in to buying a GP32; they look like the best thing that's happened to portable gaming in a while. I've done as much research as I can but I'm still stuck on some questions.
Should I get a FLU or a BLU?
As far as I can see, the benefits of the BLU is that it would be brighter, and easier to view as it's backlit BUT I've heard that a lot of things aren't compatible with it...

Are there any connectivity problems with Mac OS X?
Is there transfer software that I have to buy or can I put things straight on to the card..

Finally I've head talk on some sites about firmware upgrades, if buying second hand should I look at what firmware the GP32 has?

Actually one more thing... I've noticed that there are a few apps that can play DivX on the GP32 is it possible to fit a full length movie on to 128/256mb? Is there a good compression app you can get?

Thanks! ^__^

I would get a BLU under any circumstances even if it is a BLU +. The colors and contrast are far better on the BLU. I wouldn't worry about firmware too much they all pretty much work.
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I havn't even seen any places that sell a new flu anymore. I bought one from lik-sang right after christmas and must have gotten one of the last flus they had. I was worried about the blu+ so I got the flu even though the blu was the same price. I am really happy with the flu and after having a non-lit awhile back I must admit that a light of some sort if required. Like mentioned before the flu does make things look a little wached out but you can still play it in the dark so it's nice. The order of which you should probably try to get ahold of a gp32 should probably go like this.

BLU - great back lighting everything works just right

FLU - it has a light you know everything will work just fine but some colors look a bit washed out

BLU+ - has some issues with certain programs most stuff is being fixed but it is still an issue

non-lit - I had one of these things and enjoyed it way back but it was hard to see the screen. It was a lot like the first GBA which was replaced by the SP because you couldn't see what was going on on the screen. The upside is that it will probably be less expensive, longer battery life, everything will work just fine.

* There is also the option of getting one that will run at 166mhz for sure. Just take the benefit of things running a little faster onto the above mentioned comments and keep in mind that this will kill batteries faster if you over clock.
I use my GP32 BLU with Mac OSX, and while there are a couple of MacLink programs to allow you to communicate via the USB cable, they are buggy and a bit unreliable to be honest. If you buy a SMC reader, then you can copy files etc directly to the SMC which is much better and a lot faster.

I have had no trouble with using my GP32 alongside my Mac at all, apart from being unable to install the commercial game I bought from Gamepark's website. I'm waiting to get the use of a PC to install this, but hopefully programs like iGP32 will soon be able to do this reliably from the Mac OSX Finder.

The only slightly irritating side effect you get with OSX, is the resource fork emulation files it populates your SMC with, making some of the ROM lists in emulators very long, so I recommend you use a GP32 file manager to delete these on the GP32. I use Aquafish's firmware on my GP32, with Windups which allows me to do this.

Hope this helps!

angrypants posted on Feb 7 2005 at 05:40 AM said:
non-lit - I had one of these things and enjoyed it way back but it was hard to see the screen. It was a lot like the first GBA which was replaced by the SP because you couldn't see what was going on on the screen.

not nearly as bad as the GBA :o

On the GBA the screen is unplayable indoors unless your under halogen lights!

on NLU gp32 as long as youve got a light source - the screen highly reflective and very clear.

you cant play in the dark ok!! - but thats not a problem if your a grown up :D

theres a bargain to be had on the non lit units - ive seen em go for thirty quid on ebay!

space :blink:
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applerocks posted on Feb 7 2005 at 11:09 PM said:
Sorry for being a n00b, but what is Windups?

Its a flie launcher for the GP32 that uses icons and a mouse pointer to launch files and program`s etc, And looks very much like a desktop simular to Amiga workbench, MacOS and windows. < Note the order :P . But it is NOT an operating system, It just looks like one.

Btw: It also has a couple of useful apps built into itself.

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